Chapter 12: Awake

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Note: [Idk, a note]
It was finally late at night, everyone was knocked out. Sleeping. Around 2 in the morning, Funneh finally started to swift back to consciousness.

She started moving her arms slowly, waking herself more up. She started to grip her bedsheet. Moving her hand up to her head and grabbing hold.

Funneh's mind: Were...Am I?

Funneh started glancing around the room. Looking over at the other bed, on the other side of the room. Seeing Amora sleeping. She started to slowly get up. Looking more over her bed. Now being able to see the ground.

Funneh's mind: If Amora's with me..Does that mean- We're safe?

Funneh started looking around her for her phone. She finally found it after a few minutes. Looking at the time. It was approximately 2:12 in the morning.

Funneh started to get up. Moving out from under her covers. But the second she stood, a shock of relief went through her body. Then, it went back down when she felt her legs give out. She went falling to the ground. Bracing her fall by grabbing onto her bed.

Luckily, no one heard or seen. Amora only slightly moved. But didn't wake up.

Funneh sighed.

Funneh's mind: F*ck this, why do I always carry the bad luck. Waking up at f*cking 2 at night when I hurt. Just my luck. High school all over again. How fun.

Funneh started to get back up, wobbling her way to the bedroom door and slowly opened it.

Funneh's mind: Come to think of it- This isn't even my house. It looks like...Gold's?

Funneh looked more around, glancing at all the object's that stood in sight.

Funneh's mind: Yup, definitely her place. Now...To find were Alec is staying.

Funneh got a good view of the stairs, wondering if she should risk going down or not.

Funneh's mind: F*ck it.

Funneh started wobbling her way to the stairs, grabbing onto the railing. Slowly but surely making her way down. It took her 3 minutes to make it down the stairs, safe.

She stood at the end, catching some air. The energy she lost by just walking down a few steps. She finally caught her breath and looked over at the couch.

There she seen Alec. Laying and sleeping.

Funneh had the sudden urge to call out his name. But didn't wanna wake him and anyone in the house. She really wanted his presence.

Funneh decided to look away from him and head to the kitchen. She leaned on the counter top.

Funneh's mind: Now that I've found him, I can't head back upstairs. Going up, hurt's more than going down.

Funneh sighed yet again.

Funneh's mind: F*ck me, my putrid life and Yandere...Well- Yandere for all. She did hurt me, my friends, my children and my family for over 15 years(Not children for 15 years btw).

Funneh stood at the counter for another 5 minutes, brainstorming. Before finally getting an idea.

Funneh started to slowly make her way over to Alec. Squatting down beside him and the table.

She took in a deep breath before gently grabbing is arm. Attempting to wake him up with no noise.

Funneh's mind: Oh my god...I feel bad for doing this. He deserves sleep..-

Funneh still moved his arm, gently shaking him.

He started to slowly wake up, Funneh quickly put up a finger to her mouth. Giving off a quiet signal.

Alec was still half asleep, but quickly realized what was happening. His eyes went into shock.

He wanted to say something. But didn't.

He kept quiet, like Funneh is telling him to do.

Alec get's up, helping Funneh up. He pulls her into a hug.

Funneh does a quiet chuckle.

Alec started to whisper;

Alec: I've missed you...

Funneh: Missed me? But you've just seen me earlier today. Haha.

Alec: Doesn't change the fact that I've missed you.

Funneh: Alright Alright.

Alec does a smile while looking at Funneh.

He sit's back down on the couch, pulling Funneh with. But gently so he doesn't hurt her.

Alec: I know you've been sleeping for hours. Well- You've been unconscious for hours. But still, I know you're not tired. Just from the looks of it; but we should head back to bed. Okay?

Funneh does a slow nod.

Alec starts to lay back down, while Funneh goes with. Just laying on him.

Alec starts to rub her back in comfort. Before they both drift back to sleep.
Note: Smaller chapter, but oh well. Lmaoo.

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