Chapter 15: Drop off

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Note: Why are these 6 year olds more advance in words, plus mindsets then I was at there age?💀💀
As the minutes finally sore through. Funneh and Alec decided to leave with there kids, leaving the others at Kyran's and Gold's place. Just getting more alone time with there babies.

Alec started pulling into Aly's and Draco's driveway, while Lunar and Evan were parked behind them. Lunar thought it was best to just pick up Amora, so that Alec and Funneh don't have to drive to two different locations.

They all stepped out of there cars/house and stood on the driveway. Coming face to face with eachother.

Silas: Uncle Draco!! Auntie Aly!!

Draco: Hey buddy!

Silas runs and jumps into Draco's arms. Giving off a lot of excitement.

Lunar walks over to Amora who was clinging to both her mom and dad.

Lunar squats down beside her;

Lunar: Hey sweetie...How are you?

Amora slowly looks over at Lunar.

Amora: Auntie Lunar!

Amora let's go of her parents hands and jumped on Lunar.

Lunar: Oh! Big hug! Haha.

Amora gives Auntie Lunar the tightest hugs before finally releasing and jumping back down.

Lunar: Alright, kiss mommy and daddy a goodbye kiss and get in the car. We'll be over there in just a few minutes.

Amora nods before skipping her way to her parents. Giving them hugs and kisses goodbye.

Draco: You might want to do the same Silas, Mommy and daddy will be gone for a few days.

Silas eyes widens in realization before jumping down and giving them hugs and kisses.

Silas turns around, Facing Draco and Aly. Which Aly gives Silas a gentle signal to go inside.

Silas goes running off inside.

Lunar sighs; she crosses her arms and gives off a sad face.

Lunar: How long will you guy's be gone for?

Funneh and Alec does an uncertain look at each other.

Funneh: Uhm- We're not so sure. We did tell the kids we'll be gone for a few days...God knows if that's actually true or not. It could even take more than 10 days.

Evan: So...This could take long than anticipated?

Alec: Correct. You should know by now-...Yandere is harder to take down, we've been trying for 15 whole years.

Everyone looks down.

Aly: Ughhhh, this is so frustrating. You should just let me help you. I'll knock her back to next week again!

Alec: Aly...No- I almost got you killed last time. Plus- You're still in school. I want you to have a proper education.

Aly: But-

Alec: I'm sorry, Aly. But you've done enough for me and our friends. We're greatful for how much you've done for us. It's you're time. You can no longer help in such dangerous missions.

Aly looks down, fighting the urge to talk back.

Funneh: Aly...You will forever be part of our family, our friend group. You've helped us for years. You've helped guide us... We've both had our ups and downs. But you're a fighter...A warrior. Treat this as your break, you're retirement. We've enjoyed every moment with you. Please...Let us finish this.

Aly loosens her urge to speak and looks up, facing Funneh.

Alec: If we really need help. We'll bring you in on consideration. I promise.

Aly smiles.

Aly: You promise?

Alec: 100%. I promise with all my heart.

Aly: Then I'll let it slide.

Both Aly and Alec looked at eachother and went for a hug.

Funneh: Woo! Sibling love!

Aly loosens her grip and looks at Funneh before fastly grabbing her arm and bringing her in for a hug.

Aly: You're words meant a lot.

Funneh chuckles and smiles.

Funneh: I mean it with full love and support.

Aly let's go of the hug and they both depart.

Lunar: Please, Funneh...Come back in one piece. You've got that?

Funneh turns around, facing Lunar.

Funneh: ... I've got that.

Evan: Same with you, Alec. Don't die. I can't afford to loose a buddy like you.

Alec looks over at Evan, smirking.

Alec: ...Is it because I know how to handle things like this? And if I die, it'll lead to you dying too?

Evan: Hey!... You've got lucky on this one! If we all weren't in a situation like this one, I'll knock you right upside you're head!

Alec chuckles;

Alec: Uh-huh, sure. I'll believe it when you do so.

They both started staring at eachother with weird looks.

Funneh: Alright! Alright, Gentlemen please calm down. We can deal with this later. But as for right now. We need to get moving. Who knows what type of people Yandere has lurking out there.

Aly laughs;

Aly: Guess you can't approach or talk to anyone without putting them on your suspicion list.

Funneh: That is true.

Funneh and Aly both laugh.

Lunar: Alright, like Funneh said- Anyone could be lurking out there so uh... Let's get a move on.

Everyone does a sad nod in response.

Draco: Dang...Well- See you guy's soon!!

Aly: Byeee my dearest sister-in-law and dearest brother!!

Lunar: Don't die!!

Evan: I'm watching you Alec!!

Everyone laughs.

Funneh: Bye! Love you all!

Alec: Byeee!

Everyone starts to wave goodbye, while Alec and Funneh return back to there car and Lunar and Evan return back to there car where they have Amora at.

Funneh starts waving out her window towards Amora and Silas who is looking out the window.

Finally, they drove off. Heading back to Gold's and Kyran's place.
Note: I'm batman.

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