Chapter 9: No turning back

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Note: I'm sorry yet again, I did indeed come out with another book. It's called "You are my person // Falec". I'm planning on adding a chapter on there very shortly(Author's Review is out btw). I just- Felt bad that I'm making another sad book. So, I'm gonna also make a happy one. Because I'm nice like that.
Yandere: I totally forgot you were here. Guess I'm not so- Worried about you right now.

Alec: What? What do you mean? You wanted to KILL ME a-and second...WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING OUT OF PRISON?!?!

Yandere started to laugh, her one and only evil laugh.

Yandere: Look- Me being out of prison doesn't concern you and yes, I absolutely do want to kill you right now. But I have better things planned than to waste time with you.

Alec rolls his eyes.

Alec: You being out of prison does concern me, especially if you weren't put on the news automatically.

Yandere walks over to Alec. Squatting down on his level.

Yandere: I have my ways, sweetheart.

She get's back up and smiles at him before leaving the room. She starts talking while walking the halls.

Yandere: Ashley, clean all this mess up. Now.

Ashley nods and rushes out the door, along with the rest.

Alec's mind: That girl has some serious issues.

Alec glances over at David.

David started to rub his hand, in pain.

Alec: I'm sorry dude. I tried to talk her out of it- Well, sort of.

David: No worries. I did kinda deserve it and it was for a purpose.

Alec: Still, it's terrible to see my own fiance go on a killing spree and hurt you right in front of me. You may think I killed more people than her because I once was a henchmen- You're wrong. This girl has some balls. Balls I don't have.

David started to laugh.

David: Hey- Be lucky you have a girl like her. If some intruder breaks into your house, there gonna be praying they don't end up dead. She'll probably already be stalking him, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Alec started to laugh.

Alec: I mean- I guess your not wrong.

David: I'm never wrong. I'm glad you're fiance is actually trying to do something about it. No matter were she's at or the situation she's in.

Alec gives off a smile. Then it drops to a sad one.

Alec: I wonder what happened to her. I wonder if Amora is okay.

David: Hey, keep your head up. Funneh and Amora are both strong, intelligent girls. Nothing will stand in there way.

Alec chuckles.

Alec: I'm glad you're on my side.

David: And I'm glad you understand me.

Alec: Can you- Unchain one of my hands real quick.

David: Sure.

David walks over to Alec, squatting down beside him and unchaining one of his hands.

Alec puts out his hand, right in front of David.

Alec: I would like to properly introduce myself.

David smiles and shake's Alec's hand.

Alec: The names Alec Ledger. A father of 2.

David: Nice to meet you...Alec Ledger. My name's David Wilson. Father of 1.

Alec: Nice to meet you...David Wilson. If you don't mind me asking, What's the kid's name?

David: William. We call him, Willy, Will. All those fun names.

Alec: Wow, must be an amazing kid.

David: Thank you, I do- Wish the best on...Both you're kids?

Alec: Thank you...Wait- Oh yeah, you only know Amora. My daughter. Amora has a twin, his name is Silas. Apparently he's up in Canada. Probably to stay away from all this chaos. Which- I would've done the same if I had family members up there.

David: Funneh has family members up there?

Alec: Yup, born and raised there. She came down here for schooling, she never really told me the full story on why. But oh well.

David: Huh... well- I hope you're entire family get's the rest they deserve after this chaos.

Alec: Thank you and I hope you make it back to your family.

David smiles, before finally chaining Alec back up and going back to his seat. Leaning back and relaxing.

Alec then looks at the ground. Then at the door. He kept looking at those two things for more than 10 minutes. Finally, the door opens. David leans back up. Looking over at the door.

Yandere walks in, holding a knife that haves blood on it.

Yandere: You, you're coming with me. David, pass me the keys.

David looks over at Alec, giving off a worried face.

Yandere was to dumb to notice there face expressions.

Alec nods.

David looks back over at Yandere and tosses the keys to her. He looked down, not wanting to see Alec leave the room at once.

Yandere walks over and unchains him, she kept both his hands tied together. She grabbed hold of his arm and forced him out of the room. Yandere looks over at David.

Yandere: Thank you for watching him. You're work here is done.

Just then, Yandere leaves.

David kept replacing that sentence over and over again in his head, till he puts the pieces together.

He started to pace back in forth.
But then, he put it all together like a huge puzzle.

David's mind: She's gonna kill him.

David started to freak out.

David's mind: No no, I thought she said she didn't care to kill him? Oh God...I gotta get him out of here!

David runs to a draw and pulls out a knife and shoves it in his pants before running out the door. He didn't even think. He just went with the plan he doesn't have.

He started to speed walk past people. Making them a little concern, he finally made it upon a door. He peeps through the window and see's Alec chained to a chair. No one was thankfully inside the room at the moment. David started glancing the hallways and seen some random guy walking them. David quickly went inside the room

Just as the guy was about to roll past, David reached out and pulled him in. David pulls out a knife and quickly stabs him in the neck. Killing him almost instantly. He get's up and locks the door, also shutting the blinds.

David glances over at Alec, which he just seen that all unfold.

David: There's no turning back...
Note: Actually scratch that, I think I'm gonna delete the other sad book. I'm not feeling it right now and if I do end up continuing it, it would be put on "discontinued". Though- I don't have to necessarily delete it. I could just put it to private.

"You're Half Way There.."(YHS)BOOK 3!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora