Chapter 10: Escaping

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Note: 🌜🌛
Alec: Holy s*it- Did you just...Kill him? I thought you wanted out of here ALIVE!

David: I do! But I can't have them kill you...

Alec: Why? You should have just let them.

David: No. A father of 2 kids? No no. It hurts seeing people fatherless or...motherless. As a father myself, I'm getting you out of here.

David runs over to the dead guy, pulling off his suit and throwing it at Alec.

David: Here. Put this on. It should hide your cover for now.

Alec: What about Amora and Funneh?

David: Don't worry. There near the exit. If we get them out, we'll be able to escape. As long as you keep your identity low.

Alec nods in agreement.

Alec: Do you have a plan?

David looks over at Alec and does a Nervous chuckle.

David: Well- No...

Alec: David! Then how do you expect us to escape?

David started glancing around the room, brainstorming.

David: Okay...Alec, grab that knife over there for protection. Then follow my lead.

Alec looks over at the knife then David, then back at the knife. Alec jogs over to the knife and picks it up. He turns around towards David.

Alec: Alright, let's get out of here before we both end up dead.

David nod's. He started to slowly open the door and peeks out. He does a hand signal at Alec, telling him to follow. They both slowly walk out the door, fixing there postures. Acting like normal people.

David: Don't let you're guard down, got it?

Alec nods, they both make it down a few hallways. Going past people. No one made notice, just kept walking. Both Alec and David tried being quick before someone realized Alec was gone.

They finally came upon 2 doors that were right beside eachother.

David: I'll get the kid. You get Funneh. Okay?

Alec nods, they both made sure no one was in the rooms before entering.

Alec: Funneh!

Alec rushes over to Funneh. Unchaining her from her chair, she was cut on her arms, face and chest. They weren't super deep. So, she was easily moveable.

Alec picks Funneh up, bridal style.

David came in the room with Amora. Amora was clinging onto David for dear life. She was scared.

David: Alright, from here- Were on our own. Get out as FAST as you can without getting caught, you got that?

Alec: I understand.

David nod's, acknowledging Alec.


David: Get ready to run.

Alec and David both take in deep breaths.

David: 3...2...1!!

They both run out the door, running past people who just stood there confused. Still processing what's happening.

David and Alec both made it outside, not taking a risk and stopping. They kept running till they made it to a street.

Alec: S*it...

Just then when David and Alec thought there were noway out. Gold comes driving up, as fast as possible. She pulls down her window.

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