Chapter 3: Explanation

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Ryan blacked out after getting hit. The last thing he remembered was pain and the feeling of getting ripped atom by atom. That's the end he thought waiting for him to fully lose consciousness. He heard screams and gasps around him, Then suddenly everything goes silent and the pain disappears.

Ryan opened his eyes. Everything was dark, the walls, the roof everything. No signs of human life.

"Am I dead?" He whispered to himself.

"I'm afraid not." A mysterious voice erupts from the silence. A voice of an old man.

"Are you a god?" Ryan asked still lying down afraid to make a move.

"I guess," The mysterious voice answered.

"So I'm really dead," Ryan said to himself.

"You're not dead," The mysterious voice assured him.

"Where are you?" Ryan said getting up on his feet.

A bright light bursts out from the centre of the room with ethereal music playing, An old man descends from nothingness covered in golden sparks wearing white robes with golden stars on them.

"Heck of an entrance huh?" Ryan says shading his eyes from the light.

"That's what I was going for," The old man said as he reached the ground. Light disperses from him illuminating the room. It's the temple from earlier.

"Wait...This place looks familiar" He said looking at the old man. "You look familiar," Ryan said startled.

Ryan thinks as he looked around for a moment.

"This is the Bald guy's temple!" He exclaimed. "Oh I'm sorry, I like your hairstyle" he apologised mockingly as he saw the old man standing next to him.

Ryan stares at him for a moment. "You were the old man with the coffee shop aren't you?" Ryan questioned the Man.

"I am, can we-"

"The coffee was really good. You should quit this god thing and open a coffee shop in the city" Ryan interrupted him.

"Yes thank you, Mr Trahan, but-"

"One second, you're telling me I'm not dead?" Ryan asked the Man


"But you're a god," Ryan continued.


"So if I'm here, meeting you, That means I'm dead!" Ryan panicked.

"For the last time Mr Trahan you're not dead can you please let me explain," The man said frustratedly

"Okay" Ryan calmed himself down.


"Can I have a cup of coffee? Iced? Please?" Ryan asked.

The old man sighed. He holds out his hand and did some magic hand movements and boom a small tint of gold light appeared as it evaporated it left behind a brown cup with golden carvings.

The man hands over the cup to Ryan."fancy cup huh?"

"Thank you, Cheers," Ryan said sipping the coffee. "I preferred the machine version, but this is fine"

"How do you like Earth, Mr Trahan," The man asked.

"E-Earth?" Ryan stuttered. Ryan sips the coffee while trying to recollect everything.


Ryan finally understands the seriousness of the situation.

"W-why was I on Earth?" Ryan asked.

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