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The rain falls on a dark day, just like every other. The winds nip my toes as the frigid air whips the trees.

Cold is what I feel, a feeling so comforting I cannot complain.

I once yearned for warmth, for any kind of heat but it never came. I only grew colder and sank into my abyss.

How could I hope for anything? How could I have hopes when all I've ever wanted was lost before my eyes?

I am baffled by the concept of joy, and sadness. I used to live in fear, but now I fear nothing.

Whether that's a good or a bad thing, I do not know.

For now, I need rest, I've never felt so free to do as I wish. Though, I have never wished, this is what I believe freedom would feel like.

I felt safe for once, a lack of pressure on my limbs, as if I were floating in my river of nothing.

Perhaps I am to join my sister in the afterlife, or perhaps this is all there is, I do not know, but it is more than I deserve. Silence. Blissful silence.... Before a blinding storm of light.

"Oh, hello little one. Are you lost?"

The light spoke in a tone I wasn't used to, so gentle, and soothing even. Lovely.

"You look so tired, my darling. Come here."

My body moved involuntarily towards the light and it became a person, or at least, had a humanoid figure.

It was a mystical being, but also very familiar. It reminded me of the one I held most dear, my sister.

"I thought you would be safe... I apologize for that. I'll bring you home now. Forgive me, my child."

The light embraced me, yet it didn't burn. It didn't hurt at all, but it was so nice. Like falling into the most peaceful sleep in the coldest room of the building.

The deepest sleep, undisturbed, and greatly needed.

What I didn't know was, my soul was passing from one land to another, and a great big beautiful world was waiting for me on the other side.

The side where I was meant to be.

Finding Myself [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now