ch. 25: Chunin Exams pt. 1

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"Mina! Come on, you need to eat something! Don't make me get Neji!"

"Ugh, Tenten, give me a break, I just had my heart broken and you're worried about my eating habits... Where's Lee when I need him, ha..."

A few weeks after my team returned from the mission that shook us to our cores. So much happened that I don't even want to begin to think about it all.

For starters, I'm certain I scarred Sakura for life. The girl barely talks to me and called me a 'monstrous, bug loving freak' to my face... So, uh, I don't think we're friends anymore.

Secondly, our teamwork has suffered heavily, not just because of the Sakura thing, but Naruto and Sasuke weren't getting along, more so than usual. Also, I'm pretty sure Naruto was startled by what I did. He didn't seem scared at the time, mostly worried, but we haven't talked about it and I really don't want to assume.

Sasuke has been... Passive about the whole thing. I think he's mad, but he's Sasuke Uchiha. He's usually mad.

Third, or thirdly?

Eh, whatever; My emotions hit me all at once like a brick to the head. The way my eyes used to change color? Yeah, it's a rainbow now, and I can't control it... As if I could control it before.

I thought my natural eye color was a shade of red, but it turns out, they're pale. Like... I don't really know how else to describe it. They remind me a bit of the eyes of a Hyuga clan member, only I have pupils and there are black circles, three in each eye, within my iris. It's strange looking to me, but... Whatever. Hm. The power I gained from acting on my anger is called Plasma Release. It's a Kekki-totta composed of the lightning, fire, and wind chakra natures that no one in my clan could have ever been able to use, on account of our Kekki-genkai. Both are bloodline talents, but one was not found in the Tahoma clan.

I know why that is, but I didn't feel like explaining that an evil Sun Spirit is sealed in this body. It's not even mine, so why should I have to explain.

Anyway, fifthly... Yeah, that's a word...
My personality was slowly being overridden by the Karma embedded into my birthmark.

I don't even know what a Karma is, but Silver does. It has something to do with a clan from outer space.

Yeah, I am not touching that. First spirits, now aliens? I am so not in the headspace to get around either of those subjects.

Sixth-ly, remember when I was talking about my team and how our teamwork was starting to suffer? Yeah... So, Sakura and I got into an altercation, one that my actual little brother ended up getting involved in.

I mean, he isn't my blood brother, but I called his grandfather my grandfather, and therefore, he was my little brother, though I guess he could be my cousin, but that would just confuse me- I have got to stop getting side tracked.

Konohamaru, my little brother, tried to defend me against Sakura, she was just doing a lot of talking, and ended up running away as she scared him off, which got him in a little trouble with some people I already knew.

Well, a person I knew, and her brothers.

Genin from the Sand had come to our village for reasons I would later find out, and sure, they were minding their own business when my brother bumped into them, but one of the three in the group tried to strangle him.

I was not having that, so... I got into a fight with the Sand ninja. It wasn't a big deal, and one of them, a girl named Temari, broke it up really quickly.

Temari is someone I met on one of my many Anbu missions... You know, those missions I hated doing so much so that I willingly let Silver melt my internal organs just so he'd do them for me, yeah... she completed my mission for me. I owed her one, so I let the transgression go.

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