ch.4: The Silver Eyed Devil

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All was peaceful for a few days. Minaki had just begun getting used to the house when she began to sense something... Strange. She felt as of she were being watched with malicious intentions.

Though she wasn't used to her new home, it was the first place that was solely hers, and she'd do her best to protect it from her chair.

Naruto would come by every so often to help her around the house, but most days she just stayed by herself, and those days were the times in which she'd feel as if she was being monitored.

That all changed the night that she fell asleep on her comfy bed and awoke in a shallow pool.

It didn't scare her, rather it was simply surreal for her. She slowly lifted herself out of the water, looking around as if she would be able to find something.

She slowly walked through the water, aimlessly towards nothing. She walked for what felt like ages until one step made her foot sink and she fell over into the depths.

She felt as if she were suffocating, the further she fell, the more pressure was applied to her body, until it all suddenly stopped.

At the bottom of this abyss, there was a cage containing a light that seemed alive somehow.

The closer she got, the more she saw, it wasn't a light, it was horns, shining silver horns on top of the head of.... Something. It was a creature made up of shadows that were leaking between the bars of it's containment.

Minaki landed on her feet in front of the cage and a wave of pure dread washed over her with a vicious fury.

It took her breath away, as if she were in the presence of the very incarnation of all hatred. It was unyielding and painful to be near, yet it called to her so desperately she was terrified not to answer.

The dark tendrils curled around her ankles, making her skin crawl as a pair of ravanous silver eyes that bore right through her very soul.

"Let me out." It demanded, taking hold of her consciousness without another word.

The shock of it all woke her from the painfu nightmare, panting heavily. She was looking at her hands and discovered they were dyed in a red liquid.

Her entire body trembled as she looked around to see that she was no longer in her bed, but standing out in a feild, surrounded by... Corpses.

"Ah... AH!"

She stumbled back, right onto a body which had been greatly mutilated.

She could only gasp for air and would've screamed again if a sudden wave of serenity hadn't washed over her. She could hear a voice in the distance...

"It's okay. Calm down. There's nothing to worry about." It said.

Minaki exhaled slowly through her nose and lifted herself off the ground. Her legs were shaking, and her clothes were stained, soaked enough to feel like a weight.

"Look at your surroundings for anything you can hide them with." The voice said, and Mina looked around for where it came from.

"Shouldn't I go to my sensei? These people are-"

"They're dead, and you're covered in their blood. Are you certain telling someone will end well? They already threw you to the side, giving you to the outcast as a playmate." The voice sounded confident, as if there was no other possibility. "I'm only trying to keep you out of trouble. Just listen to me."

Mina looked at her shaking hands again, then at the bodies. "What.... What should I do?"

"You should burn them, unless you see another means of hiding them."

Mina looked around again, noticing the butterflies that would follow her around. "How do I burn them?"

"Let me have control, when you awake, this will all be over."

She had to think about it for a moment. Where was this voice coming from, it rang on her head so clearly. It was that thing she saw in her dream, that thing, whatever it was.

The voice wasn't as cruel, it seemed like it genuinely wanted to help.... But it didn't. Though, Mina wouldn't realize that until much later.

She let that creature take hold of her body once more, and she herself fell into a light slumber.

Free to roam, the creature turned the corpses to dust in an instant, leaving the bloodstained grounds to return to the girl's home.

That was the start of it, how the seal began to weaken on that Silver Devil.

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