ch. 9: Blood Ties

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The Tahoma clan had many secrets as I've come to realize. The clan was divided into factions based on the abilities they developed. They were multi-talented to the point of being a small army of their own, only able to be roped in by the First Hokage... Why? Because the first Hokage was the former leader's best friend, along with Madara Uchiha.

How did I come to know this? That devil told me. I began to call him Silver, since that seemed to be the only feature that stood out about him.

Silver taught me the history of my clan, saying that it would help me grow stronger as a person.

"The factions themselves are not important, since you are capable of using all their talents... You've already mastered the bugs."

I looked at the butterflies on my shoulder, it's just a few but there were many more just outside my house. "They... Aren't bugs. They have a name..." I muttered.

My eye began to ache when I voiced my thoughts and, looking in the mirror, I could see it turning a deep red just outside the silver colored pupil.

"If I didn't need you, I would burn you alive. Don't irritate me more than you already have." He warned, but I'm kind of used to it at this point.

I'm used to physical pain regardless, even if it hurts a bit more than being punched, it's not unbearable, unlike when I arrived here.

"Okay, okay..." I mumbled.

Silver's eye rolled, which was freaky to watch. He typically uses my right eye, and my left stays under my control, so when he rolls it, only my right eye will move, and the other just stays in place.

"The Tahoma clan's strength truly lied in their genjutsu ability. They used their voices, so audible genjutsu, which is considered the most dangerous form."

"Why is that?" I asked out of curiosity.

Silver sighed, "You're so stupid... It's because it can be used at longer distances, before any ninja would know it, they'd be trapped in an illusion. The Tahoma clan won many battles with this technique, however it could be applied elsewhere too. Not that it's important.

I don't know why, but it never made me anxious to ask him questions. No matter how much he insults me, he always gives me an answer if he can. "What, exactly, is genjutsu?"

"Illusions. You're too soft for them right now, so we'll start by using your voice to activate your chakra."

I only nodded, and he began giving me instructions. I still don't exactly know what he is, or how he got locked inside my body, or if this even is my body.

I'm confused all the time lately, but I still have yet to tell anyone about him. I'm afraid that if I do, they'll cut me open or something.

Kakashi always encouraged me to speak my mind, but I'm still on the fence about it. Like, is he just saying that so I'll say something wrong and he can cut out my tongue or something? I dunno.

Sometimes I wish they'd just treat me how I was treated before... Their kindness is scary, because once it goes away that's it.

Sometimes, I can't stand their smiling faces, I don't like them. Smiles hide secrets, just like the Tahoma clan.

Other than genjutsu, they had beasts under their control for various purposes. Butterflies were the clan symbol, and therefore the most precious to them.

Lions were used for combat, but they haven't been seen since the clan destroyed itself. Snakes were for poison, but apparently the last snake was stolen by a rouge ninja. There was one more creature, a grand creature that belonged to the first leader of the clan... But Silver didn't want to talk about it.

While teaching me to release chakra using my voice, he also had me search the house for anything left behind by the clan itself. The entire subsection had been burned to the ground, so I didn't have a lot of faith until we found a secret compartment only able to be unsealed by blood.

In it were many scrolls, viles, and books that I didn't even want to touch. They were old, dusty, and some were even falling apart.

The dust flew right into my face, causing me to cough.

"Ugh- are you sure this is...okay?" I picked everything up and took them to the kitchen table.

Silver assured me that it was my blood right. I could do as I pleased with those items and no one could say anything.

I still had trouble reading, so he had to read everything to me. One book held accounting records, one held birth records, and another had an unidentified list of names. The scrolls held some information on the Tahoma kinjutsu, forbidden techniques, as well as a scroll with a contract on it.

Of course I wanted to just shove everything back, but Silver made my eye ache so much it began to bleed, and a bloody tear drippes onto the scrolls below.

I had to use every ounce of will power in me to force Silver back into his cage, and began cleaning the mess we made together.

Little did I know, I'd wake up the next day with a lion in my garden....

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