ch. 8: Acceptance

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My twelfth birthday passed smoothly, and after a few months of physical therapy, I was fit enough to walk on my own, without that monster's help. Needless to say, I didn't need the wheelchair anymore, but Naruto insisted on using it on the day I was invited to his class.

Two years.

I had spent two years in this wonderful village, with my teachers, doctors, and a friend.

I've come a long way from waking up in fear that I'd be thrown away without hesitation.

Really, I spent my days just waiting to be kicked out, or killed, but it never happend. As long as I did what I was told, it was all okay. Kakashi told me that, if I wanted to, I could check out the school for young ninja, since the semester was nearing it's end.

I wouldn't be graded on anything, he always assured me of that. He actually teaches me personally now, he teaches me a lot of things though.

"Are you ready, Mina? It's kind of hard, but you're so pretty, I'm sure everyone's gonna love you!" Naruto assured me, pushing me down the hall in my wheelchair, earning us surprised glaces from some stray teachers.

"I'm ready, I think..." I tried not to be nervous, but there was an angry whisper in the back of my mind that I had to force myself to ignore.

Naruto is a little clumsy, loud, and all and all, my favorite person ever. He's my first friend, I didn't know what friendship even was until we met, and I don't want to doubt him... I really don't. So, the fact that he is telling me not to put my hopes in him is... Scary.

"Oh, I should warn you, there's this guy in class, he's super annoying, so high and mighty, you're gonna hate him! His name is Sasuke and everybody seems to love that guy, so overrated!" He huffed, his cheeks puffed out like the chipmunks that live near my garden.

It was cute, and I reached back to pat him on the head. "Okay."

Naruto knocked on the door to the classroom, then just pushed it open. We had to be late because the teacher was staring at him like trouble had arrived.

"Iruka-sensei, we're here!" He announced, and before Iruka could say anything, Naruto had brought me into the classroom.

Suddenly having all those eyes on me made my chest squeeze, like I was suddenly thrown into a pool of ice water. I gripped the arms of my wheelchair so tightly, I could only hope it wouldn't break. My vision became cloudy, and I felt as though I'd faint on the spot.

Naruto glared at the class. "Stop staring, you're making her nervous! Mina, don't worry about them, okay? Breathe."

I tried to listen to him, taking deep breaths, and before I knew it, I was able to see clearly again.

Iruka cleared his throat, taking over pushing my chair until I was in front of the room. He kneeled at my side, holding one of my clenched hands. "I'm sorry, Minaki. I forgot you were coming today so I didn't have time to prepare the class, can you forgive me?"

It confused me that he was asking for my forgiveness, but I can't deny that it reassured me. I'm glad he cared so much.

"Mhm..." I nodded, the tension leaving my body slowly as I looked over the class. There were so many people my age, some big, some small. Some were scary looking, and some looked soft, very kind.

One person in particular stood out to me, our eyes met for what felt like lifetimes. It was the same as when I met Naruto the first time, a sense of similarity, or kinship. It was strange, I swear I've seen him before, I swear I've seen all of them before, but him...

Iruka clapped his hands to get everybody's attention, "Alright guys, this is Minaki Tahoma. She's going to be your classmate starting today, so be sure to get along with her."

There were whispers among the children, and it made me feel so... Little. I'm certain they were talking about me, it couldn't be anything good. Of course they wouldn't like me, I don't even like me...

A girl with bright pink hair raised her hand and started talking, "Iruka-sensei, shouldn't we introduce ourselves to her? I mean, she looks kinda nervous."

Iruka nodded, "That's a great idea, Sakura. Why don't you start?"

"Okay! Uh-" the pink haired girl met my eyes, just staring at me for a while, then looking around at the class. I didn't know what kind of expression she had, or what her intentions were, but she came down the stairs and crouched in front of me.

She had this really big smile on her face as she introduced herself in a quiet tone. "I'm Sakura Haruno. If any of these boys bother you, let me know. I'll put them in their place for you."

I could only stare blankly at her for a moment, then muttered her name, "Sakura... Haruno?"

"Yep, that's it! Just call me Sakura, okay?" She giggled, which I couldn't help but feel warm about.

It was pleasant...

When she went back, someone else stood up, a boy wearing a zip up jacket that had fur on it. He sat cross legged in front of me, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm Kiba. Kiba Inuzuka." He said quietly, then sniffed the air. He came close to me, humming, "You smell nice. Uh, not in a weird way." He chuckled, then hopped up and went back to his seat.

It went like that for everyone, they came down one by one, crouching to the floor so it wouldn't feel like they were looking down on me. Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga, Sasuke Uchiha, and the rest did that... For me.

Something inside me felt... Warm. It was nice, it was so easy. I was so scared... For nothing.

The introduction took up most of my time, but I still felt weird since I didn't introduce myself like they did. Iruka did it for me.

After the last person sat down, I looked at Naruto and began undoing the straps on my chair. Naruto took the opportunity to help me, holding my arm as a stood up.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words would come out. It felt like something was stuck in my throat, holding me back, but I swallowed every ounce of my fear for a moment, just that moment.

"...My name is... Minaki Tahoma. Just call me Mina. It's nice to meet you all." I lowered my head, hoping my vice didn't sound weird. It didn't speak very loudly, but the room was quiet so they should have heard me.

When I didn't hear anything in response I lifted my head to see the few smiling faces. They all appeared to be happy, while some seemed to have a fever. I wonder if my appearance made them sick, but one thing I do know is that... They accepted me. And so easily at that.

It was.... Nice.

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