ch. 10: Fur Babies

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The next morning, Minaki woke up to discover four, rather large, lions in her front yard. One seemed gravely injured, while the others just seemed malnourished.

It was clear they had been poorly treated. Mina felt empathy for the poor animals, but didn't know what to do with them. She has no medical training and didn't know who to call in that situation. Silver wouldn't be any help, he'd want to watch the poor creatures suffer and die. Naruto wouldn't be any either, and there was no way she'd go to the Jonin that took care of her.

She couldn't bother anyone with such issues.

"Guess I'll learn today..." She muttered to herself, looking for various herbs in the garden. She knew that some herbs, when mixed properly, had great healing potential, but mixed incorrectly would make them a non-lethal poison.

It was just a matter of trial and error, and who better to try it on than herself. In the hospital, she overheard that she had a high drug resistance, so that should translate over to poisons... Right? Well, even if it didn't, she was going to test it on herself anyway.

15 out of 10 would not recommend doing it, especially if there is no professional. People should also never eat random plants from their garden, ever.

After several attempts, hours of work, when the moon was overhead, she finally got a medical cream that accelerated her healing ability. Kano, the butterflies she was so fond of, helped her apply it to the injured lions.

"I hope this works... Um, gather the chakra in my lungs and throat..." She took a deep breath, feeling the flow of energy throughout her body, then focusing it just like Silver had taught her the night before.

Activating the chakra wasn't too difficult, but controlling it was. It required intense focus and a lot of patience.

"Heal." She whispered near one of the lions and their wounds began to glow. It wasn't an illusion she cast, she used her chakra to activate theirs in order for them to heal faster.

She wasn't good enough to be able to use genjutsu after one night of practical training, but she did a lot better than Silver expected.

Trapped in the prison within the girl's body, Silver stirred, grabbing the bars. The chains that bound him to the girl kept him from causing life threatening harm, only she could release him, but she wouldn't.

Why did this girl have to be so pathetic, Silver always thought, but seeing how quickly she picked up activation made him question that. Maybe she isn't as useless as she appeared.

Mina was a very quiet girl, saying only the bare minimum to anyone who wasn't Silver himself, or her one friend. She's had a few teachers, and doctors speak to her about a great many things, but she still seemed very afraid. She constantly lives in fear of something that may never happen... And yet she still had the capacity to care for the injured.

Silver didn't understand the girl at all. She clearly feared for her life, and yet also seemed so accepting of death. Her soul was so small and dim so he thought she'd be easy to control but...

"Last one... Thank you, Kano." She looked at her butterfly with the brightest yellow eyes after healing the last lion.

The butterflies she held so dear became something she couldn't live without. Just like Silver, they'd whisper in her ear, but unlike that devil, they'd only tell her positive things, and give her any information she asked for.

"Hm? Someone's looking for me...?" She whispered to the creatures, looking at the lions in her yard. "Um... Okay, it's one of the Black Ops... Hide them for me, please."

Minaki got changed and went to meet her superior for her first mission under the order of a man that was arguably more terrifying to her than Silver.

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