ch. 3: Butterfly Girl

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"Once more, Minaki. Remember, they are under your control."

I closed my eyes again, letting my chakra flow through me and into a butterfly on my finger. "Rise..."

The small insect slowly lifted off my finger, just hovering there.


The insect landed on my finger again, and I looked to my teacher. "Did I do it?"

"You did amazing. You've worked hard these last months." He smiled, placing his hand on top of my head and just petting me, like a puppy. "It's almost time for you to be discharged, isn't it? I'm sure Kurenai can't wait for you to be back on your feet."

"Iruka... Sensei." I left the butterfly on my shoulder, looking at the person who taught me about controlling my chakra. "What about... Kakashi?"

I was looking forward to meeting my reading teacher today. He was my first teacher, really. He came to visit me often, but the last few days, he's been busy doing... I don't know what.

It's a shame. I've been in this world for months, four months I believe. Sitting in this bed, and looking out the window... I watch them, the people with happy faces, walking on without fear. They're so full of emotion...

"Did you hear me? Are you sure you're okay, Minaki?" Iruka asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"My ap-... I mean, I'm sorry. I'm okay. I just..." I look to the window again, where the sun beams in.

"You miss Kakashi, it's okay." He smiled, then got up from his seat. "Hey, there's someone I'd like you to meet, if you're up to it of course."

Iruka had always been very kind, and patient with me, even though I've been difficult. He's always told me he only wants me to feel safe and as comfortable as possible. I didn't know what it meant to have comfort until I was put up in this room. It's safe in this room...

"I... Trust you, Iruka." I said. Though I'm not confident, if it's someone Iruka knows, they can't possibly be that bad.

Iruka grinned, "I'm very happy to hear that. Alright, Naruto, come on." He had turned to the door, and peeking in was a little boy about my age.

When he entered, he had a confused look on his face. He has short blond hair and cute whiskers on his cheeks. He has bright lights in his blue eyes, full of determination and wonder, eyes that I could never have myself.

"Naruto, this is Minaki, she's a little quiet, but I think you guys would get along well..." He seemed off for a second. When the boy came near him, he seemed to shrink away.

I've never seen Iruka uncomfortable around someone, so maybe it was in my head, but I got the sense that he didn't like this boy very much.

Naruto, huh... I was certain I knew that name, but my mind was still a bit foggy, like something was holding my memories.

"Hi..." The boy waved at me, coming right up to the bed. At first, I was afraid, but being near him, I don't know...

Looking into his eyes, I just have a sense... This person...

"Hello... I'm Minaki, but um, you can call me Mina."

This person is... My friend.

"Nice to meet you, Mina!" He grinned, holding my hand and giving it a solid shake. "Wow, your hair is so long! And pretty! Oh, I mean, the rest of you is pretty too! Uh, wait-.."

He rubbed his forehead, then just climbed onto the bed with me. "Anyway! What do you do all day, just sit here and look out the window?"

His energy threw me off, but I don't dislike it.

"Yes. I train and stuff too though... I like reading, oh, and I grow flowers." I moved the little pot that I had grown a single, orange flower.

"Oh, what is it?" The boy stared at the flower in wonder.

"Um, it's a zinnia. I got the seed as a gift since I can't go outside just yet..." I mumbled, not sure if I was saying too much.

"Why can't you? You can't walk or something?" He started to touch my legs, then just shrugged. "Well, that's okay, we can use a chair, let's go out!" He cheered, getting up and grabbing a wheelchair from the corner of the room.

Where had Iruka gone, I had no idea, but I ended up spending the day with the young outcast. People would look at us with contempt, but we were used to it. He pushed me around the village for hours and hours, it was amazing.

I never grew tired of hearing his voice, and of having him make a quick escape while pushing me along.

We were only ten years old then, and it was a wonderful time to be with a companion.

Unfortunately, at sunset, he had to return me to the safety of that room, and I would lie awake at night just thinking about the excitement.

The days went by just the same, and instead of my teacher visiting, it would always be that same boy, at least until the day I was discharged.

On that day, Kakashi finally returned, and though I was happy to see him... He wasn't who I had expected.

The reason he was gone for so long was because he was preparing a home for me in the old district.

A home... For me.

"I hope you like it, there wasn't a lot of construction to be done, but cleaning was a nightmare, let me tell you." Kakashi sighed, pushing me slowly down the dirt road.

"Ah... Okay." I responded, watching the butterflies over my head. They're very beautiful, and some are so small, and others are big. They seem to follow me wherever I go.

How strange...

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