ch. 23: Land of Waves pt. 4

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The man responded, "You don't understand, Light. There's so much money in the selling of these beasts!"

"'Beasts'?" The light repeated, staring at his friend in utter shock. "You would refer to my people as beasts...? What about me, who is also such a creature. We have been friends since the beginning of time-"

"And? It's not as if I'm selling you. You are my friend, I would nev-"

"No." Light said firmly. "If you continue this wretched business, even if I do owe you my life, I refuse to be friends with you. In fact, if you do not return the family of mine that you stole, I will be forced to find them myself and reveal our friendship to all those humans."

The man gasped, "But-!"

"I swear to you as the Sun Spirit, I will get them back, one way or another."

The two friends stared at each other, one having no form but gleaming silver eyes that stood tall, and the other having a form, but small in stature, with dark eyes that trapped the souls of those who peer into them.

Together, they were no longer alone, however, the price for that was astronomical.


Ren ended up needing to carry Kakashi's limp body to the home of the Bridge Builder. The trip was made mostly in silence, as the young ninja worried for their teacher. The use of the Sharingan eye took its toll on the man's body.

As worried as they all were, one was relieved that the situation took attention away from her. She dreaded the thought of having to explain how the rogue ninja knew her.

What was she supposed to say? Tell them that she was a merchant on the black market? Kakashi would kill her!

Maybe she could get out of telling them now, but what would be the point, they'd bring it up later regardless. It was now, or later, and they'd probably be even more mad if she waited to tell them later...

"...I should've killed him when I had the chance..." Minaki muttered to herself, biting her nail as she paced back and forth on the roof of Tazuna's home. She was wracking her brain for solutions, but none of the ones she was coming up with were actually doable.

One of the small insects she so adored crawled out of her dark locks and made its way to her nose. "My lady, if you wish I can search for him and the boy. You know that child wouldn't kill his savior."

"Tch..." The girl sucked her teeth, something that surprised her butterfly. The child had never expressed annoyance before, and if she had, it wasn't in this way. It was then that her nail snapped and began to bleed.

The minor sting was enough to make her realize just what she was doing and it sent a chill down her spine. Even without the influence of the devil within her body, she was contemplating how to take the life of someone.

She's already willingly murdered two people, and now she was actively attempting to kill two more. An act that usually made her sick to her stomach was starting to become second nature, a choice she could make all on her own.

This is exactly what Silver wanted...

"...My god, what am I doing." She clasped her hands together in front of her, taking slow deep breaths as the fear began welling up inside her body. It wasn't fear toward that demon, but fear towards the person she was beginning to become.

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