ch. 6: Mizuki

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"The plan failed. Though their bodies haven't been found, the state of the battlefield, and the the fact that the girl is still alive and not in our hands suggest that they were killed."


In the forest just outside the village, two shadowy figures spoke to each other. It was obvious they were up to no good.

"It's just one little girl, and she's ten! How hard could it be to kidnap or kill her!?" One ninja grumbled, punching the base of a tree.

"Don't forget, the very reason we want that girl is because she is the last of the Tahoma clan. She likely already awakened her clans ablities..." The other ninja said with concern, but was pushed to silence by an angry glare.

"She's TEN! There's no way that- hey, what was that..."

They heard the snapping of branches in the distance, though, by that time, it was already too late for them. A small butterfly flew over their heads twords a small figure.

"I told you, didn't I, girl. They left you in a house far away from others knowing you would be hunted. They wanted you to be killed, however, I won't let that happen." The figure said aloud, their silver eyes gleaming in the darkness.

"You said you weren't followed!" The ninjas prepared to fight, glaring at the figure.

"I wasn't being followed, I swear!"

The figure stepped out under the moonlight to reveal the small girl with hair darker than the night itself. She wore only a nightgown, and the smirk on her face was as sinister as her gaze.

"Humans are nothing but savages, only looking out for themselves. They all deserve to die, even you, girl." The person lifted their hand, palm to the air. "Now, burn."

As the ninjas went to attack, a heatwave flooded the area. In that split second, the grass, trees, then the two ninja, simply vanished. No, not vanished... They were instantly turned to ash.

Inside the figures head, a quiet voice whispered, "If you could kill people so easily without making a mess... Why did you... Um..."

"It's so much fun watching the light drain from their eyes." It said with a grin. "Now, let's return, call back your bugs."

One of the gleaming eyes faded and transitioned to it's original color, losing any light it had as it was returned to the owner of the body.

"If I may, they are not 'bugs'... They're butterflies... And they have a name. Kano, fall."

As quickly as they scattered, a swarm of dark winged butterflies gathered together and returned to the girl's hands. There had to be hundreds, if not thousands, that she had tamed in just a few months.

Though they were not a clan of beast tamers, they did have quite the few valuable pets.

"Good, now we can- wait..." The silver creature looked around, then stepped into the shadows. "Have them hide us, girl."

"Kano, stealth."

At the command, the butterflies surrounded her, masking her from sight.

As they feared, a person came to the clearing, sensing something off.

"Hm... They told me to meet them here but..." The ninja looked around, and when they stepped into the light, Mina nearly gasped.

It was Mizuki, Iruka's teacher's aid. He'd come to visit the hospital at times, but never seemed interested in anything she had going on.

Maybe the devil was right, maybe the village was out to see her death, but why take her in and be so kind of they were only going to harm her?

This required further investigation.

"Kano, retreat." She whispered, having the butterflies carry her body away, back to the house she was meant to reside in.

After having her body fully returned to her, her legs gave out and she fell to the ground. Without that creature, her body was far too weak to be walking.

It felt like every muscle in her body was screaming in agony, and yet, she didn't make a sound. The butterflies carried her into the house, realizing that now, more than ever, she would need help... And help they would.

They scattered, searching the mostly empty district for something they knew they'd find somewhere.

But the girl had already seen far too much.

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