Ch. 12: Secrecy

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"Minaki, where have you been these last few days."


Mina stared down, fumbling with her hands as her teacher questioned her.

Kakashi watched with an expression of concern. The last thing he wanted was to set back their progress, but she still needed some form of discipline in order to function in society.

The Jonin took the utmost care in protecting her from outsiders, and even insiders, that were interested in her bloodline, but some always slip through the cracks. Somehow, she managed to handle them herself, but it wasn't clear how she did it. There was something about her that he just couldn't figure out, even though they've been treating her just like their own family.

Gai even attempted to adopt her after she was fully released from the hospital, but was turned down on account of her stating that she'd be more comfortable alone. She was only ten, she should never have had to be alone in an unfamiliar environment, yet it was her only request.

When they weren't busy, they took turns visiting her, getting to know her, teaching her, and just trying to get her to open up, but no one got her to loosen up like her friend did.

She was like a brand new child with him around, so they just let the two be together. Even the Hokage thought it would be great for them to get along, because whether they knew it or not, they were just lonely children.

One seemed to have accepted the loneliness as being normal, while the other took comfort in having just one person that didn't look at them like they were a monster.

"Minaki..." He exhaled, gently parting the top of her head. "Just let someone know if you're not going to be home. We were worried about you since none of us could find you in the village."

Mina slowly leaned into his hand, her eyes fading to a deep shade of blue. "I'm sorry... I um... Learned..." She mumbled, turning to look at her front door.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow, looking at her door as well. "Who's there."

The door slowly creeked open and a pair of bright blue eyes greeted them, then another.

"Are those what I think they are?"

Mina nodded, waving the animals over to her. Four lions, two with shining white coats, and two with sleek black coats. They were smaller that what Kakashi could remember, so they had to be young or transformed.

The cubs ran to the girl's legs, climbing onto her lap and on her back, one trying to hop into her arms, while one of them who had a beautiful fuzzy mane, just watched it happen from by her side.

"I um... Found them?" She sounded uncertain, letting the cats climb her and such. "They're cute..."

Kakashi chuckled, crouching down in front of her. "Do you know what they are, Mina? How did you have enough chakra to summon all four at once, and maintain them at that?"

Mina shrugged, thinking about the night she learned of their existence. "Found some papers... Had a nose- ah, no, eye. My eye was bleeding. It dripped on a paper. Next morning, lions." She pet the ones she could reach.

"Have you named them?" He asked, picking up the the cup that was trying to climb on her back, just petting her because she's so fluffy.

Mina's eyes shinned the brightest shade of yellow, displaying happiness where her expression could not. "Uh-huh. The leader is Ren. He's strong, and he protects me from... Um... Hm..." She pointed at one of the male lions and he lifted his paw as if he were waving.

"I can talk. Hello, nice to meet you, master's teacher." The small lion said.

Kakashi smiled. "Nice to meet you too, Ren. And this one is?" He held the lion up, and they made a squeaking sound.

Mina held her arms out. "Ayumu. She's the youngest, and afraid of heights."

Kakashi put the cub down, "My bad."

"The other boy is Nao, and lastly, Taiki... They're so fluffy."

Ren rounded up the cubs, nudging them back towards the house. Mina waved at them, then looked back at her teacher.

Kakashi sighed, "Okay. I know you're not going to explain any further, but you haven't answered my question, do you know that they are?"

"Lion cubs?" She asked, lifting herself up off the ground.

"Well, yes, but the contract your clan has with those beasts is one of many. They are a subspecies from the great desert region, and the Tahoma clan used to raise them to be warriors.... But I haven't seen any of them for the last twenty years."

Mina glanced at the door to her home, then looked at her hands, the memory of them drenched in a thick red liquid causing her to pale. She wanted to ask questions, but she feared the answers.

"Well, in any case, we won't have to worry about your wondering around. They'll protect you well." Kakashi hummed, noticing the girl's apparent worry. He was tempted to ask, but decided against it. She'd open up when she's ready, pushing would most likely make her shut down. That's not what they needed.

Mina hid her hands behind her back, looking up at her teacher. "Okay...."

Kakashi gently smoothed her hair, which she seemed to enjoy, since her eyes became a pale yellow shade and she leaned towards his palm. "Let's start with chakra control today, and then we get something to eat."

Mina silently nodded, listening to the sound of the won't rustling the trees. It wouldn't be a long day, but it would be very peaceful. So peaceful, she nearly forgot the mission she was given.

Gai had come later in the day to scold her, but forgot about the ladder and attempted to teach her self defense, which he fails at, because she wasn't paying attention in the least.

Kurenai took her around the village that day, now that she could walk with no problem, she figured it would be best for her to learn where everything was.

Asuma tagged along, keeping the child from wondering off whenever she got distracted by one thing or another.

The wonder they saw in her eyes was enough the melt the heart, just pure interest in everything around her. Though it was hard to tell, they could almost see the excitement on her face, the corners of her mouth twitching, threatening a smile that never appeared.

So close. Yet so far away.

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