ch. 1: Begin Anew

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Maybe it was the fact that it was hot, or the light shining through my eyelids that woke me, but whatever it was made me bitter.

I envied those upstairs for a long time, they never came back down, but now it seems I have joined those who passed on...

Under my body was a green cushion, grass? But very soft grass. I remembered the smell, the sweet scent of morning dew on the grass of the house.

I never thought I'd see the light of day again before this. Above me were trees, taller than buildings, so big... They're the biggest trees ever, and so leafy too. It was an amazing sight.

My body felt sore, more so than usual, so I assumed I had fallen from one of these tall trees or something. I somehow felt well rested while also being very tired.

My body was full of energy, while my mind was foggy for whatever reason. Though, when I attempted to move, it was like my mind and body weren't connected at all.

After being there for a while, I heard footsteps in the distance, and then a voice.

"Hey, are you okay over there, kid?"

It was a woman's voice, one I had never heard before. More footsteps, and she was in my line of vision.

"My god, you're hurt! Kakashi, Asuma! Get over here, now!"

The woman ran over to me, touching me, but I couldn't feel it. Two others came up behind her and all of them began examining me.

"Is she conscious? Can we move her?" One of them asked, attempting to pick me up I guess.

"We're gonna have to take her. Kurenai, notify the hospital and Asuma you take her, I'll search for anybody else that could be lurking." A man wearing a mask commanded them, and they all split up to do their tasks.

Asuma carried me carefully, as if I were fragile. The woman, Kurenai, ran ahead, disappearing just as quickly as she came.

It was an interesting experience being carried by Asuma, I don't know if I liked it, but it wasn't as if I had much of a choice.

I would like to have thought that maybe this wasn't a dream, and I won't wake up with someone's hands around my throat, but... These people, their gentle voices, they are only things I could have dreamed of.

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