ch. 17: Team Meeting

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Mina waited with her friend in the classroom for their team leader. After her small outburst a day prior, she hadn't said another word.

Not to her friends, not to her teacher, not to anyone that has spoken to her, for she had been warned once.

Naruto tried to talk to her about how she spoke up for him, but when he looked into her eyes, he saw that she wasn't all there. The light in her eyes was dulled. He was so worried that he hadn't left since he noticed. He stayed the night at her house, had dinner with her, fed the lions and other animals she was nursing with her, and even made sure she got up on time for their meeting.

He knew she was afraid of something, but not sure what she was afraid of. There was nothing around her house, at least, he didn't think anything was off there, but her eyes remained a deep purple color. The color of her fear.

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and for her, that is true. Her eyes display all her emotions, whether she wants to express them or not. All the colors of her eyes were brilliant, vibrant even, but it pained him. No matter what, it always seemed like he'd never completely understand her... And that worried him.

What was she so afraid of? Well, Silver had quite the story to tell. All of her worst nightmares tangled together in a horrific beast she could not escape. The blood that stained her very soul would never dry, and if she didn't do as he requested... Her very first friend could end up as another stain on her skin.

It was maddening, being so powerless...

"Mina, do you wanna hold my hand?" Naruto asked, taking her hand before she even answered. Since she didn't pull it back, he just sat beside her, holding the hand that soon began holding his in return. "I don't know what's wrong but everything will be okay, believe it."

Sakura glanced at them, then rolled her eyes. "It's probably because you won't just leave her alone.... Right, Sasuke?"

The other boy in the room only turned his head away before he locked eyes with the girl. To him, her eyes looked cold, dead and... defeated. Like nothing mattered anymore. He felt a kinship with her, more so than he had the other times they locked eyes. Was it sympathy? Empathy?

That feeling that washed over him was powerful, and clear.

"Mina." He called out to her, and for the first time since she had spoken yesterday, her eyes appeared to light up again.

Naruto looked between the two, rubbing the back of her hand. "Are you back? Can you hear me?"

Mina blinked a few times, and her eyes slowly returned to the color that was most natural for her. She looked around the room, then again at Sasuke who had pulled her out of the depth that was her own fear.

"Mina?" Naruto tried again, and that time, his friend looked at him, tilting her head to the side.

"Yeah, Ruru."

Naruto smiled, hugging his friend who seemed to have just woken up. "I'm glad you're back. I was starting to get worried."

Mina leaned against him, taking comfort in the warmth he shared with her. "I'm sorry..."

"Mina, what did we talk about."

The girl thought about it for a second, then nodded. "Oh, uh, I'm not sorry?"

"Eh, good enough." He laughed.

Sakura seemed confused, but ultimately was just happy Mina had started talking again. Sasuke took a seat away from the three of them.

After making sure Mina was alright, triple checking that her eyes were their standard vermillion color, he set off to do something he knew she wouldn't approve of, but thought it would bring her some joy.

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