ch. 24: Land of Waves pt. 5

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"...Old friend, I have given you more than a fair amount of time, and yet you still choose to enslave my people!" Light shouted at its former friend, the ground beneath its feet turning to ash with every step it took.

The man whom Light once called a friend began to laugh at the display. "Light, come on. You can't boss me around, my clan and I could put you back where we found you on the other side of the universe. Is this really what you want to break our friendship over. You should be glad I decided to call a lesser being such as yourself a friend of mine."

"I have warned you one too many times. Return my family or we will have a war." Light threatened, glaring daggers at his former friend.

The man gasped, appearing shocked for a brief moment before he burst out laughing. "You wouldn't dare go to war with a Go- AAAACK!"

Just as the man was beginning to mock his old friend, a beam of light cut through his forearm and sent the limb tumbling to the earth. Everything that beam touch turned to ash in an instant, there wasn't a drop of blood to be seen.

"Next, it will be your head." Light glared at man with the fury only the spirit of the Sun could have.

The man glared at Light with a violent fury, holding his forearm where it was severed. "How dare you!"

Light turned away from their former friend, flipping its shimmering silver hair over its shoulder. "We are done here. The next time we meet will be the last, whether you survive or not is up to you."

"This is just one of many places in which those pests reside, this planet and everything on it will die anyway, so why do you care so much!?" The man shouted.

The Sun Spirit let out a deep sigh, glancing back at the alien like entity. "That is no longer any of your concern, Otsutsuki."

And so a silent war began to brew, between the outcast Otsutsuki, and the Sun Spirit he happened to release.


The next day, when the sun was beginning to cross the sky, team seven was making their way down to the bridge building site with Tazuna. It was looking to be a very peaceful day...

"AH! I overslept! Mimi, wake up!" Naruto shouted, shaking his friend's arm to get her to get out of bed.

Mina reluctantly pushed herself upright, grumbling drowsily to herself, "I'm up, I'm up..."

Naruto stared at her for few seconds, then laughed and began fixing the girls hair. "You have bed head. Oh, wait, we don't have time, come on we are so late!" He jumped up and scrambled around the room, trying to get dressed, brush his teeth, and find his shoes all at the same time.

Mina watched her friend struggle as if it were the most entertaining sight. "Naru, you're so funny."

The blonde paused mid step, nearly falling over from the sudden halt. "Woooah-." He caught himself on the wall before he hit the floor.

Mina tilted her head. "Uh, you okay?"

Naruto stared at his friend like a deer in headlights, his face so red it almost resembled a cherry. "You- you smiled-" he stammered, finding it in himself to blink.

"I did? Huh... What did it look like?" She asked, turning her attention to a butterfly dancing in the corner of her eye without a word.

"I uh, I can't exactly..." he trailed off, his back against the wall as his own heartbeat echoed in his head.

Mina gasped and rushed towards the window as her butterflies freed themselves from her hair by the dozen and rushed out in a flurry. "... I just wanted to sleep..."

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