ch. 20: Land of Waves pt. 1

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"Minaki, at point B."

"Sasuke, I'm at point C."

"Sakura, I'm at point D."

"Naruto, I'm at point A, believe it."

Kakashi sighed into the communicator, "You're slow, Naruto. Okay, Squad 7..." he paused as a shadowy figure darted away. "The target has moved! Follow it!"

The four man team took off through the forest after their target until one of them captured it.

"Got ya!" Naruto shouted proudly as the cat in his arms screeched.

"Does it have a red ribbon on its right ear?"

Mina carefully took the screaming cat and nodded to her teammate as she began soothing it.

Sasuke touched the communicator in his heart to respond. "We have a positive ID."

"Alright, lost pet: Tora captured. Mission complete."

Naruto rubbed the scratches on his face, shouting, "Can't we get a more exciting mission than this one!? I hate cats!"

Mina gasped with a complete stoic expression, covering Tora's ears. "He's just being mean, don't listen to him."

The cat in her arms purred while snugging against her chest.

"You're really good with animals, Mina." Sakura giggled, reaching out to pet Tora, just to be swatted at. "Ow!"

Mina took a small jar out of her pocket. "Put some ointment on that."

Sakura let out a defeated sigh, "Thanks."

"We should head back now. Mina, keep the cat." Sasuke folded his arms. "Or it'll kill Naruto."

"Hey! It's not my fault the cat is a jerk!" Naruto complained as the group began making their way back to the village.

Mina gently rubbed the cat's back. "He doesn't mean it, Tora."

"But I do mean it! Do you like that cat more than me!?"

Mina said nothing, glancing off to the side as she picked up the pace, now leading their group to their destination.

"Mina? Hey wait! You're not gonna answer? Minaaaaa! Mimi! Come on! You like me more, right!"

Sakura snickered while Sasuke just smiled as they all walked along.

When they arrived, waiting for them was their sensei, Iruka, The hokage, and Tora's owner, which Mina regretfully returned the cat to.

"Oh, my little Tora!" The owner squeezed her cat so hard it made both Sakura and Mina cringe in response.

"I can see why he ran away." Sakura mumbled.

"Poor kitty..." Mina whispered, hugging herself as she turned away. Ren was at her feet, he pretty much followed her around whenever he didn't have anything to do at home. She carefully picked the little lion up and gave him a gentle hug, which he appreciated.

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