Chapter 1

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My name is William Foster.

I never had the chance to ask my parents what that name meant.

Until the very end, I had no idea what most of the things in my life meant.

I was a NEET, a common acronym used in Japanese media that meant someone who isn't doing anything in their life.

I'm not Japanese, but I do like Japanese-related media.

Anime, games, light novels, those kinds of things.

Regardless, those things probably mean nothing now.

Because I am now dead... I think?

I'm a bit unsure, as I found myself in an empty room... assuming that I'm inside an actual room. I attempted to look around, but I couldn't feel my head, nor could I see anything. It was all dark. As I was doing that, a light suddenly came from my front.

The light was so bright that I reflexively looked away. The bright light then fades away, revealing a figure within. The figure looked like a girl, the size of a teenager.

"Welcome to the afterlife, William Foster."

A soft calm voice came from that figure. The figure approached me. She was modestly sized, bearing a face of a young girl. She had straight long black hair, wearing a white dress down to her knees. She had faint gold eyes, her body shining through the darkness.

"Did I die?"

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"Did I die?"

I immediately asked. Looking around the room once again, I realized, there was no room. It was void, empty of anything and everything. The only thing there was this shining girl.

"Unfortunately, your short life has come to an end."

She said, I could feel sorrow and sadness in her voice as if she was mourning my death.

I tried to recall what happened. I was going outside, heading to the minimarket close to my home. I was out of instant noodles, so I went out to grab some.

Then it dawned upon me, what exactly happened.

The classic way of death, a truck...

Nah, just kidding. This time it was not a truck, but instead, a white sports car. I didn't catch the brand when I died, but it looked pretty expensive.

I was walking on the sidewalk, a bag of instant noodles in tow when the speeding driver (possibly drunk) lost control of his car and veered sideways.

Of course, I was in the way.

And of course, as any good protagonist does, I simply stared at it.

No screaming, no panicking, just your simple plain stare.

Well, at the very least, the one who hit me is probably rich, so my family will get the insurance money, not that they needed it anyway.

"How did my family and friends react?"

Ganersam volume 1Where stories live. Discover now