Chapter 6

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It isn't.

I managed to exit the library with no real issue. After making my way out of that book-filled dungeon, I walked back to the guild, alone. Emma decided to continue reading. She said she will return alone later.

I hope she didn't sleep there. For some reason, the library is open 24 hours. I looked up to the sky. It's midday now, and I have nothing to do. Emma may be useless in battle, but I really don't want to do solo grinding.

Besides, underestimating enemies may get you killed. These monsters may be low level, but having a shield is always better compared to leaving your left hand, or in this case the party slot on your left, empty.

Back then, when I grind a game, I would usually grind while on a call with a friend. Even if they weren't in the game with me, talking random things with them is still pretty fun. Grinding alone is boring, so I really can't understand people who could spend hours doing that.

Should I just rest? Bearing that thought, I entered the guild. My teacher is sitting in front of the bar table, drinking a glass of beer.

"Ah William, you've finished your quest?"

He said as he lifted the glass in his hand.

"Yes. Delivered safe and sound."

"Care for a drink? This one's on me."

"Don't mind if I do."

Teacher raised his hand and ordered me a can of beer. I chugged the cold beer down my throat.

"Anyway, what are you doing here? You don't have any classes to teach?"

I asked my teacher. He shook his head.

"Nah, I don't. Sundays are holidays, you know? There are no classes during the holidays. Even the guild is half staffed."

I looked around, it is indeed true that there are fewer employees than usual.

"The guild staff who work on holiday usually are the single ones, since they don't have anything else to do, like that one over there."

He said as he pointed toward one of the employees. His target is the guild lady.

"Don't look at me like that, Raben."

The guild lady replied with a smile.

"You really should find a man, Lisya. You don't want to stay single forever, do you?"

Raben said while taking a sip.

"Well, there's no decent man around here."

Lisya shot back. Is there something between these two? I ignored the two who were having a staring match while smiling and continued sipping on my beer.

"Ah, I just remembered something. Are you two interested in a quest?"

We looked at Lisya.

"What kind of quest?"

And now I'm in the middle of an open field. We're pretty far from town. As if one isn't enough, In front of us there is a pack of wyverns currently resting. There are six of them.

"Let's get closer."

We were tasked with spying on the wyverns, gathering as much information as possible. I don't really know why Raben would take a newbie like me with him, but I guess he probably thought two is better than one.

Wyverns aren't supposed to be around Alpha, meaning that there's probably a reason why they are here.

Raben pulled out his binoculars and continued observing.

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