Chapter 20

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The ship slammed into the sand and screeched to a halt. We were all thrown to the front, but luckily no one was seriously injured.

Carrying the unconscious Nia, we exit the ship. A good portion of the ship's front end is buried under the sand, and we need to duck as we exit the ship's front. I managed to catch a glance at the bridge.

No one was there, not a single crew member. There was a chance all the crew members had escaped, either that or they were now lying injured on the floor.


Alexander is alone.

Riko said that the ship could be flown alone, despite being limited by emergency mode.

That does make sense, fewer human operators onboard mean less likelihood of a traitor.

The operation won't be as easily exposed, either.

We distanced ourselves from the ship. I let Nia down on the sand.

Riko landed the ship near us.

"What happened!?"

He asked as he ran toward us.

"Nia used magic, and the ship exploded."

"I see..."

Is he calm because he's a professional bounty hunter, or is it because he's seen worse before?

Maybe both.

I tried shaking Nia, no reaction. Riko grabbed her hand, and put a finger on her arteries.

"She's still breathing."

"Good to know."

I'm at a loss at what to do. Emma approached us.

"She'll recover, give her time."


I was going to ask how she knew, but I assume it got something to do with that wizardry from before.

I lay Nia on the sand and looked back at the ship. A figure could be seen appearing from the wreckage.

He was a tall adult man. He's covered in dark gray from top to bottom. His face was hidden under a gray helmet. Part of his armor shone yellow, reflecting the reddish-yellow of the fire behind him.

He's holding a longsword in his right hand. The sword shines through the night.

It looked like a normal longsword, with its hilt decorated with the same dark gray color.

"So you're Alexander, huh?"

I stood up and aimed LIAR at the man.

The man didn't answer and slowly approached us.

Seeing that, we all prepared our weapons, ready to fire.

"Drop your weapon, or we'll open fire!"

Riko gave the man a final warning.

The man ignored him and continued walking.

Seeing that, Riko gave Emma and me a code, and we started firing.

The man continued walking despite being under heavy fire. The bolts deflected off his armor and hit the sand, kicking up a cloud of dust. He ignored all of that and swung his sword forward.

The sword lit up red. He pulled the sword upward before slamming it down to the ground. The shock wave was strong enough to push us all back.

Sand filled the air as we struggled to stand back up.

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