Chapter 14

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I made my way back to the inn after that. The inn isn't located far from the bar and the gun shop, plus this town is pretty small anyway, so it's not easy to get lost here.

It was already dark outside, and the streets were empty. When I arrived at the inn, Matthew wasn't there, but instead, a different pink-haired girl was on the counter, sleeping.

Deciding not to bother her sleep, I made my way back to our penthouse. The girls were still outside, so I decided to just go and rest in my room.

"So we have an ex-angel that loves guns, has a high defense... An ex-soldier who betrayed her faction and sided with us. She has low stats, but is a fast learner... And an ex-bounty hunter, who is also skilled in fighting and had a vast network of information. She could plan ahead, but often overlooked things and is forced to improvise if things went wrong... actually I wouldn't be surprised if she's more thrilled when things do go wrong."

Thinking about it, it's not a perfect line-up, but it's really not the worst.

It's rather decent actually. As long as I can use them to their potential, we'll somehow get through. I'm the protagonist, so I'm sure I will have a part of that sweet plot armor pie.

I think...?

Am I actually? What happens if I'm not the protagonist?

Will we be fine?

While thinking to myself, I heard a knock on the door.

"We're back, and we brought dinner."

Said the voice outside my room. I stood up and opened the door.

"Welcome back. What's in it?

Emma showed me the plastic bag she carried.

"Chicken soup. Let's eat together."

As if like a little happy family, I and the three girls ate dinner together. They told me how their day went, like kids telling their parents how school went.

This town is small, and it's in the middle of the desert. You can't see much here. And since it's the city of the bounty hunters, most of the shops were related to that profession, like weapons shops, intel stores, or bars and taverns, or at least that's what I heard from the girls.

Don't ask me what an intel store looks like, though. I assume they don't sell computers.

I also heard about how bounty hunters were like family in this world.

The 'close and never betray each other' kind of family, not the 'betray and murder everyone' type. The bounty hunters here were especially friendly with them, especially since they were with Amel.

As long as we're close to the bounty hunters, we were safe here. Although I would prefer against staying here for too long. It is very hot outside the inn, luckily the inn has air conditioning inside.

Other than listening to the girls' stories, not much happened at the dinner table.

No major discussion, no 'when are you getting married?' questions, and no dinner fights.

It's rather peaceful, and I genuinely enjoyed it. After that, I made my way back to my room...

"What are you doing?"

I asked Emma who was following me.

"I just want to have some small talk. You know, spend time together, get closer to each other."

"In a sexual or nonsexual way?"

"I think it's a bit too quick for the sexual one."

"I see."

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