Chapter 13

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We found ourselves inside a gun shop. The walls of the store are filled with various weapons, mostly guns of different sizes.

There were a couple of traditional weapons like swords and polearms, but most of them were firearms. I was standing near the entrance, and the sight I saw in front of me was quite concerning.

Nia, the ex-soldier, is standing beside me near the entrance, silent and still. Considering her military background, there's a chance she's just standing there waiting for orders, or there's a chance she's also confused, looking at a certain other girl dashing around.

That certain other girl is of course our resident ex-angel, Emma. She's been looking at the guns with sparkling eyes like a child looking at toys, which is very concerning.

"Are these all non-lethal?"

I checked the description of the weapons on display. They either use paralyze, sleep, or both.

"Yea, we don't sell lethal ones here. There's a risk of inspection, y'know?"

Matthew, who turned out to also be the owner of the store, approached me.

"Misana may be the home of the bounty hunters, but it's still under the jurisdiction of the local government. If you want a lethal weapon, then you'll need to head to the black market, I don't recommend it for newbies though."

Amel said as she toyed with a pink revolver.

Pink revolver.

There's something weird about people's taste around here.

I looked around the store. The collection is so vast, ranging from small handguns to medium-size submachine guns and assault rifles, all the way to massive heavy machine guns and sniper rifles. Almost every type of gun I could imagine existing on Earth, exists here.

Although it's admittedly a bit weird seeing a full-blown machine gun firing sleep bolts.

"Could we really have anything?"

"Any one thing. It's on the house. Your second guns gonna cost you, though."

I nodded to Matthew's words. That's pretty generous of them, but I assumed Riko was paying. I accidentally took a peek at Riko's card before, the bounty hunting rates do look good. If I didn't misread it, the latest job he took yielded him 9 million Gualham, although what that job is was unclear to me.

1 dollar is the same as 10 Gualham here, so that means he got 900.000 dollars. Considering how some sniper rifles cost up to 95.000 Gualham, it would be very generous of him to be paying for us.

But then again, that depends on what we pick. Sniper rifles were on the high end of the spectrum, and it would be unrealistic for all three of us to buy the same type of weapons. Emma's currently looking at a couple of them, though, so she would probably pick one.

"Too heavy... too heavy... too heavy..."

Emma muttered silently, her bright expression replaced with a painful frown. I tried to pick up a sniper rifle.

It's hard to tell objectively how heavy it is. I mean, sure, you could check the weight by putting it on a scale, but how that number translates to your average person, it's hard to tell.

For someone like me who has superior strength, it's not heavy, but for someone like Emma?

Seeing her face, Matthew approached her.

"Ah, don't worry about that, little girl. I have clothes that boost your strength, follow me."

Emma then followed Matthew to the rear. Nia approached Amel while holding a long polearm in her hand.

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