Chapter 2

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When I first arrived here, I screamed the mandatory 'it's another world!'.

Obviously, I have high hopes for the future.

Coming into a completely different world, giving myself a chance to fix my past mistakes, painting a brighter future, all those wonderful stuff.

However, after a few steps in this 'awesome' new world, the mood was quickly ruined.

As it turns out, the level designer was drunk when they were creating this part.

"Are we there yet?"

"If you're going to complain, you shouldn't have come."

"I'm not complaining... well I am, a bit... But you can't expect me to not complain. We've been walking in this heat for quite a while."

She said while fanning her head. I couldn't help but feel I accidentally unlocked the other side of her. The less holy, more human side.

Well, she is a human now.

And that side of her disliked hot weather.

"I thought you were more princess or angel-like back there."

"Well, to be fair, with my Masters watching, I can't just act however I want. Also, it's not as hot"

"I guess you're right."

Regarding the heat, I couldn't deny her. When we woke up, we were in the middle of a big open plain, with mountains in the distance, a small stream not far from us, and a conveniently placed road right beside us. The weather was clear today, and the sun shone brightly in the big blue sky.

I was honestly expecting a better kind of opening mission or tutorial, but whoever was in charge thought a long boring walk was a good idea. There isn't much to see on the route, as no matter where we look it's just big open fields, with the occasional patch of trees in the distance.

Even the 'you die when you got killed' loading tip is better than this.

"So, what are you going to do now?"

I asked as we continued our walk. We've been walking in silence, so things are getting a bit awkward.

"You mean what are we going to do now?"

"Didn't you say you want to explore the world?"

Technically that isn't her words. But, since she didn't deny it when the other angel stated that, I assume that's her real reasoning.

"Yes, but I'll need to stay with you. The magic items that are granted to the people that came here will deactivate if they're too far from their user. In my case, I'll just get sent back to heaven if I get too far from you."

"What will happen if that occurs?"

"I'll be sent back to your side, assuming you still want me. If I'm not mistaken, I need to be in the same city as you. As long as we're not in different cities, we should be fine."

"Isn't that a bit close? I mean, what if we're in a small town?"

"Well, to be fair, it's not like you expected a magic sword to grow legs and ran across town."

"Fair... By the way, how much do you know about this world?"

I asked. She looked around for a while.

"Not much. Although I do know a bit about some random things. My Masters and the other angels rarely visit this world, unless they're on guard duty, but when they return to heaven, they often tell how things are going to the rest of us, so I often hear stories from them."

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