Chapter 7

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Today is the fourth day of my adventure in this world. In the first three days, we managed to nearly get ourselves killed twice, so I'm not really keen on looking for a supposedly VIP in the demon's army.

But for some reason, Emma is the one interested in meeting this cademon again. It's really weird remembering her reaction to that cademon in the first place.

Maybe she's happier after a long night's sleep? Who knows?

As we stepped down to the guild, we could see a lot of adventurers filling the guild.

"I don't remember the guild being this crowded so early in the morning."

Emma shook her head.

"I don't think it's usually this crowded regardless of the time."

She said as she made her way to an empty table. If my memory serves me correctly, even in the three days we're here, the guild had never been this crowded, regardless of time.

There are probably more than 15 different groups each consisting of 4-5 people hanging around. Usually, there are no more than 7 at the same time.

I approached one of the parties of adventurers who was standing near the stairs.

"Excuse me, what's going on? Why is the guild so crowded? Is there an event today?"

I gave them a barrage of questions. They gave me a look of surprise, but after examining me for a while, they seemed to understand something and nodded.

"There's a very dangerous enemy spotted around this city. It's called a cademon, and it is very dangerous. The higher-leveled adventurers are currently planning to hunt it down. I know you are an Amnesia Clansmen, but I recommend you stay out of this. Cademons aren't something low-level Amnesia Clansmen could handle."

I wonder how they could have known that I'm an Amnesia Clansmen? I don't remember them being present when I arrived. Do rumors spread that fast here?

"I see, thank you for the suggestion."

I gave the party a slight bow, before moving towards Emma who already sat at one of the tables.

"Isn't this bad?"

I whispered the situation to Emma, who was having breakfast. She took the last bite of her sandwich.

"Cademons aren't stupid. She's hiding in a safe spot now. I'm sure of it."

She said as she picked her cup up.


"I'm in the mood for coffee."

"I see."

She drank her coffee before putting her cup down. She stood up and turned toward the exit.

"You've finished breakfast?"

"Yes, a small sandwich is enough. Let's go."


Hearing that, Emma sat back in her seat.

"What is it?"

"I haven't had my breakfast yet."

We were now on our way to where we met the cademon yesterday. We met Raben when I was ordering my sandwich. Since he's still interested in the cademon as well, he decided to join us. He's currently driving our carriage toward the spot out in the plains.

Also, I thought horseless carriages used magic, but turns out carriages have engines here.

Yeah... I probably shouldn't bother with realism in a completely different world.

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