Kira x Cerberus

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Kira woke up to Modeus sleeping right beside her. Kira smiled at the sight of the demon girl smiling in her sleep. Kira got up and went to the master bathroom to do her usual routine and came out to get her headphones. She sat down on the bed for a little bit and had to do some thinking, who did she recruit to her harem after Modeus?

"CERBERUS!!!" Kira left the room to see Cerberus cowering in fear as they were being cornered by the strongest of the demon girls. Lucy took a step forward and spoke, "We told you to stop running around and you decided to run in the kitchen while Azazel and Justice were making pancakes. Because of you, Justice got a third degree burn..." Judgement then followed up with a request, "What if the three of us each take one of them and punish them throughout the day. Endless ripped panties, endless red butt cheeks." Before Beelzebub could step forward with the other two, she was tapped on the shoulder and then kissed by Kira who slipped right past her. She did the same to the other two in front of her and stood between them and Cerberus. "What if instead of that, how about I take her with me? Today was the day I was supposed to get to know her and it would be unfair to keep anyone waiting."

Kira somehow managed to convince the demon girls not to torture Cerberus with her own kinks. "We'll talk to Justice about what we'll do with them when they get back. If Justice gives the word, Cerberus will regret not listening to us." Lucy turned to leave with Beelzebub and Judgement following her. "I guess the faster we leave, the safer you'll be... I'll go get dressed, then we can leave. But first..." Kira walked over to Cerberus who were actually starting to cry. She chopped each one of them on their heads with her hand. This actually hurt a lot more than Cerberus expected and Kira left to go change her clothes.

When Kira walked back out, she was wearing red shorts on top of her black leggings as if she was planning on going for a run. She was also wearing a red long sleeved shirt with a black short sleeved hoodie on top. It was clear where she got the color scheme from. Cerberus followed Kira out the door with a less fearful look. They went down the hall and made it to the elevator. When they got to the main area of the hotel, Cerberus stopped and went another direction. Kira tried to get them to go with her but Cerberus seemed focused on going where she was going. Now it all made sense, there was a buffet area that was serving breakfast.

"If they don't want us, then we'll eat here from now on..." Cerberus went and found a booth to sit at with Kira sitting on the opposite side of them. "I'll go get us some food, stay out of trouble while I'm gone." Kira left the booth and mentally slapped herself because she forgot to ask what they wanted. But now it was too late so she decided to get a plate of chocolate chip pancakes and then went to get more plates and utensils for Cerberus. The two or maybe four of them ate their food, bit Cerberus still seemed to be a little uneasy about something. "Let me guess, you're upset about how they wanted to punish you?" Cerberus didn't answer but they each finished their pancakes and neatly stacked their plates and utensils. Kira let out a sigh and finished her pancakes as well. "Ooh, I have an idea. Let's go to a park." After saying this, Kira could see a smile on each of Cerberus's faces.

They then left the hotel and walked around for a bit. They eventually made it to a somewhat empty park. The very first thing Cerberus did was sprint up a tree faster than the speed of light. After a few seconds of silence, they each fell down one by one in their giant wolf forms. Just for a size reference, Kira is 5'3 and almost reaches the wolves shoulders when they sit. So it's safe to say that Cerberus is a lot bigger than the biggest of tigers.

"You can go play if you want, this is probably your only time to scare some people. Just don't hurt anyone and don't get into any trouble, okay?" Cerberus nodded her heads and went to go play. Kira found a bench wher she could monitor Cerberus. While monitoring Cerberus, Kira fell asleep. Cerberus had made quite a few friends while Kira was asleep. She got to meet so many different kinds of dogs and was finally able to be free. She had spent centuries in isolation all by herself, only getting a human as a toy once every few decades. If she was lucky she'd get three humans at once. The humans had to meet her standards though, meaning they had to be female and somewhat attractive. Usually these sinners were once girls who liked to pick on others, and so it was Cerberus's job to torment them.

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