Chapter 1: Abyss Mage Conundrum (Chongyun's point of view)

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I chased after him. I couldn't let him get away. There was no way I could let that happen. I honestly wouldn't be chasing after this fuzzy thing if it hadn't taken my popsicles. Those are my favorites too! What an asshole right? I'm so fed up with chasing after things and people just to get my popsicles back. First it was Hu Tao, then Xiangling, then Xinyan, and then Xingqiu. I am still in disbelief that they find this funny. Especially Xiangling since she makes my popsicles. I guess she should be allowed to take them. But for eating. Not throwing them around. And the stupid part about this is that when I chase after them for no reason or for jokes, I get hit in the head with a book by Xingqiu. He so loves to pick sides. I just wish he would pick my side a little more. I mean, I don't really mind, of course. It's honestly cute when he gets so mad at things. Well not when it's at me. You know?

"Dun Dun wooo GhangGhang Wouugghhhh!!" said the Abyss mage as it teleported away, with the popsicles.


"That was a very sad sight to see YunYun," said a cold monotone voice.

"You saw that little bastard take my popsicles right, Xingqiu?"

"Yes, are you not going to live without your popsicles for one hour?"


"Okay, well, what do you want to do about it then?"

"Go to Xiangling and get more. Obviously."

"Wow, when did you get sassy?"

He turned around and left. He froze and turned his head over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow.

"When I lost my FUCKING popsicles to some fuzzy furball."

"Aww you poor thing."

"I'm not a baby."

"You sure act and look like one."


"Pfft, it was a joke YunYun. Relax, we'll go get you more popsicles, so you don't throw a tantrum."

"I hate you."

"Oh, you love me."


What did he just say?

He said that I love him. And I mean, he's not wrong. But that was out of nowhere. What the fuck. I never thought he would just outright tell me that I'm in love. Especially with him. Does he like me? Is that why he said it? But that doesn't make sense. He said he was demiromantic and doesn't fall in love easily. But that means if he is in love with me, he's really in love. Right?

"Earth to Chongyun??" Xingqiu waved a hand in front of my face.

"Uhm, yeah? Sorry, spaced out."

He started to walk away towards Liyue Harbor. I ran after him to catch up.

"Sensing evil spirits needing a good exorcise in the area?" He giggled.

"Ugh, yeah, yeah, you can't really speak either."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You keep track of them too! You always tell me that there are some in the area, even though I never find them. You find them so easily! And you get rid of them so quickly! It's.. It's amazing..."

"Don't flatter me so much YunYun, I'm not THAT amazing! Hehe." He giggled to himself, covering his mouth with his book.

"What book are you reading this time?"

"Oh, just a book about the winds of Mondstadt and how Mondstadt began, fell, and then started back up again from scratch. I find it remarkably interesting. I feel like it might even be more interesting than Liyue!"

"Really? Can you read some of it to me some time?"

"Of course, YunYun! I would love to! Just don't fall asleep this time, I don't want to carry you back anywhere again."

"That was one time Xingqiu!"

"Well, whatever, it feels like you do it all the time."


"Huh?," Xingqiu ran across the bridge and into Liyue Harbor, "Yes Xiangling?"

"Wha-, Wait, guys! Wait up!"

I started running after them. But I was already too behind. I slowed down to walk. Somebody's hand rested on my shoulder.

"Yo Chongyun."


I swung a punch to my right shoulder, missing the evil spirit by a centimeter.


Xinyan stumbled back, dodging my punch. She held her hands up in the air.

"Oh, I am... so sorry."

"It's okay! I get it! I scared the absolute shit out of you, didn't I?"

"You think?"

"Heh, sarcastic Chongyun, just like normal! Missed you dude!"

"I wasn't gone for that long Xinyan..."

"Uhm, I haven't seen you in a whole month and a half Yun."

"Oh, right, you had your own trip too. Forgot about that."

"You missed me so much that you forgot I also traveled! So sweet!"


My little brother came running to me. He stopped for one second to pet a dog then got up to jump into my arms.

"Chao Chao!!! I missed you too!!"

"Hi Xinyan!"

"Hi Chao! How has your day been going so far?"

"Been playing pirates with the other kids at the harbor! Oh right! Yunnie, can you join?"

"I don't know Chao..." 


"Okay fine! Just this once, but you must convince Xinyan too."

"I don't need to be convinced. I play with them all the time. Let's go get Hu Tao for this too!"


Xinyan picked Chao up on piggyback style and walked over the rest of the bridge. I walked slowly after them. There has been just so much happening that I have no clue what's going on, but I guess we're in to find out. 

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