Chapter 6: An Early Morning Spray (Chongyun point of view)

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I woke up to a bucket of icy water being sprayed on my face. I gasped as I clung onto the sheet. Xiangling and Xingqiu giggled as Hu Tao and Xinyan were building a puzzle on the floor. I hid my head underneath the pillow. Xingqiu poked my neck. I swatted at his hand.

"Ngh- leave me alone." I hid away.

"Oh, come on YunYun, get up." Xingqiu kept poking at me.

"Nooo." I begged.

I rolled over and hid. I dried my head with the blanket. I piled the pillows on my head. I felt someone grab the pillows over my head. They flung off my head and hit Xinyan on the head.

"OUCH!" Xinyan yelled.

"Sorry Xinyan." Xingqiu sighed.

Xinyan sighed and went back to building on the puzzle. She moved the pillow off the puzzle and thrown it aside. Xingqiu turned back around and smacked my hand as I tried to pull up the blanket. Xiangling started cackling as Guoba was break dancing on the floor. I kept swatting at his hand as he tried to poke me. He poked me in the cheek.

"Get up! Come on! Up!" Xingqiu kept poking me on the cheek.

"No! Never!" I hid deeper in bed.

Xingqiu poked Hu Tao on the head and tilted his head to me. Hu Tao got up and grabbed me by the foot. She then started to yank me out of bed. I slowly started to slip out of bed. I latched onto the bed frame just to stay in bed. Xingqiu got a hold of my left foot while Hu Tao had my right foot. They both yanked at the same time. I kept holding on. Xinyan then grabbed my hip and yanked, and I flew off the bed. I flopped on the floor, almost hitting the puzzle. I sat up and glared at them. Xiangling was still giggling at Guoba as he started wiggling. Xingqiu then grabbed onto my ankle and dragged me away. I started squirming just to get out of grasp.

"Let me go!" I screamed.


Someone knocked on the door as everyone started to pile up on top of me. Xingqiu and Xinyan shared a confused look. Xingqiu then got up and brushed off his coat. He walked over to the door.

He opened the door, "Oh hi mom!"

"Hi sweetheart! How was the sleep over?"


"What... exactly are you guys doing...?"

"Uhm... don't question."

"Hmm I won't. But I do need to talk to Xinyan, Hu Tao and you for a second. Do you mind?"

"I don't mind! Right Hu Tao?" Xinyan smiled.

"Oh yeah! I don't mind either!" Hu Tao grinned.

"Okay. Come with me you, three."

Xingqiu's mom moved out of the way for Xinyan, Hu Tao and Xingqiu to leave the room. Once they left the room, Xingqiu's mom smiled at me and Xiangling.

"Have fun for a few seconds you two. We will be back soon, I promise." She smiled and closed the door behind her.

Xiangling and I shared glances. Guoba stood up and climbed up on the bed. Guoba went to pass out on the bed while Xiangling got down on the floor next to the puzzle and continued it. She sighed and looked at me. I gave her a confused look. I had no idea why she sighed at me like that.

"What's wrong Xiangling?"

"You and Xingqiu."

"Wait... do you not like us being friends...?"

"No! That's not it," She looked down at the puzzle, "I just wish you both understood a bit better."

I glanced at her, "What do you mean...?"

"Nothing, you'll understand it soon enough." Xiangling looked away to continue the puzzle.

"You make no sense sometimes."

"Oh, I will soon mister." Xiangling giggled to herself.

I just glanced away from Xiangling. I felt like. I felt like I was missing something. What was she hiding from me? I have no clue, but I wish I knew. She never tells me anything. She spends so much time with Xingqiu. Maybe... Maybe Xiangling and Xingqiu are dating secretly. What if... What if I was wrong... What if Xingqiu doesn't like me... I quickly opened the window while Xiangling was distracted and jumped out. I planned to get my stuff later. I was barefoot and leaving his house.  

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