Chapter 10: City of the Four Winds (Chonyun's point of view)

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I asked Xinyan to tell Xiangling, Hu Tao and Xingqiu. She told them in person, and they asked if they could go. I don't know if Eula would keep 5 people. But then Hu Tao and Xiangling said they got requests from their work on some stuff. Xiangling said she could meet us out there, but Hu Tao said she couldn't go at all. She felt bad about it. Xingqiu said he was going because it was new sights to see and to get to see Bennett. I felt a little disappointed that he didn't even want to spend time with Xinyan or me.

"You guys ready to go?" I asked.

"Yes! Of course! I love going to Mondstadt!" Xinyan belted.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Pretty excited to see Bennett and a new city." Xingqiu said while gazing in the distance.

"Okay let's go!"

We started on our journey. Xingqiu was reading his book while we were walking. Xinyan was strumming her hand-made lyre. She was humming to herself as we continued walking. We were close to Wangshu Inn. After a couple of hours, it was sundown. We were near The Dawn Winery. I iced the water so we could just walk over. We all walked over and asked Diluc if we could stay a bit since he was there for a little business.

"Sure, why not. If you don't trash the place or steal anything then you are good."

"Thank you so much, Diluc!"

"Of course."

We walked into the winery and went upstairs. He showed us our rooms and we stayed in there. Xingqiu was still reading his book, he sat on his bed and just continued. Xinyan finally stopped playing her lyre and laid on her bed, humming. I sat on my bed and sighed. Xinyan seemed to notice and glanced at me. She raised an eyebrow. I just nodded at her. She understood immediately. Xingqiu didn't even notice. Or care. He just continued with his book. I sighed again and he still didn't even notice. I got under the blanket and decided to rest for a bit. I fell asleep and thought nothing of Xingqiu not caring about my sighs. He normally notices.

After a long sleep, it was morning. We woke up and got on our way to Mondstadt quickly. We worked our way to Mondstadt and soon enough we were over the bridge and into Mondstadt. Xingqiu finally put down his book and looked around. He saw Bennett near the water fountain making a wish and ran over to him. He gave him a big hug and talked with him. More than he ever talked with me. Bennett was smiling and so was Xingqiu. Xinyan walked right after Xingqiu to say hello to Bennett. They all stayed over there while I stayed here. Nobody cared that I was alone. I turned around and left the city.

Razor appeared out of nowhere, "Chongyun? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here with... Xingqiu and Xinyan... and Xiangling will be coming to Mondstadt soon. Where are you going?"

"Razor was going to Bennett. See Bennett and say hi."

"Oh, Bennett is near the fountain with Xingqiu and Xinyan. Nice to see you." I started to walk away.

He gripped onto my hood, "Razor no leave. Razor stay, Chongyun stay with Razor."

"You're going to stay?" He nodded his head, "why?"

"Because Razor knows you're upset. Razor makes you feel better!"

He smiled and hugged me. I could tell that he knew my feelings better than anyone else. Razor looked over the bridge, so I did too. I looked over and saw Bennett, Xinyan and Xingqiu hugging each other. Fischl was running up to them and hugging them too. Razor smiled.

"Razor like Fischl and Bennett. They nice!"

"Yeah... Aren't you guys talking about dating?"

He nodded his head. I sighed.

"I wish Xingqiu would talk to me more. He's been... distant..."

"Maybe talk with Xingqiu? There is problem?"

"Razor, the problem is me... He doesn't like me the way I want him to. I don't even know if he likes me at all. I feel like he hates me."

"Hmm... Maybe talk to him and ask him if he hates you?"

"I'm too scared... I just... I'm going to go see Eula..."

"May I come with?"

"Of course, Eula thinks you're fascinating."

"Okay, let us go!"

"But you sure you don't want to see Bennett?"

"Oh... yeah... I do have to tell Benny something important..."

"Uhm... maybe you can meet up with us later?"

"Okay! I might be able to! See you later Chongyun!"

"See you, Razor. Have fun with your soon to be boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Thank you!"

Razor turned away and ran across the bridge. Once he ran up the steps, Bennett caught sight of him and ran over to hug him. They all hugged each other. I couldn't stand to watch it so, I turned around and left. I texted Eula saying I was on my way and alone. She didn't mind.  

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