Chapter 2: Confused accidents (Xingqiu's point of view)

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"Xingqiu! Come on! Run faster!" yelled Xiangling.

"I am right behind you, no need to yell."

"Oh-" She froze, "Here's the problem."

There was a fire blazing in her house. Guoba was near the fire, trying to blow it out but just adding on to it with his fire breathing.

"We splashed some water on it and it wasn't working! Please fix it!"

"Okay, I got you Xiangling. Guoba, you might want to move if you don't want to become a wet bear."

Guoba waddled behind me as I pulled my sword out. I concentrated and put out the fire with water. I knew it isn't the smartest move, we should be using a fire extinguisher, but it worked, so that's all that mattered.

"Thank you so much! Also, was that Chongyun I saw with you? Is he back?"

"Yes, you couldn't care to say hello to him?"

"I'm sorry! I was in too much of a rush to get this fire put out."

"Understandable. He was probably upset that you didn't say hi. Or relieved because you were screaming."

"Probably relieved, knowing him not liking attention."

"Yeah, you're right," I turned to see Xiangling staring at me, "What?"

"I feel like, you have some sort of, liking, to him."

"How... how could you tell?"

"Because of the way you used to look at him before he went on his trip, and the way you mentioned him when I didn't say hi or anything. You did kind of sound mad about that. And you know Xingqiu, I'm your best friend! I know your emotions and how you reciprocated those feelings!"

"I... I didn't know you knew so much about me..."

"Of course, I do! We're friends after all! What else am I supposed to do? Not notice anything you do?"

"You're the sweetest Xiangling! It's crazy how much you care about me. I've never had someone care so much about me."

"What about Chongyun? Xinyan? Hu Tao? Your siblings?"

"Hey, I know they all care about me. But like, you... you notice everything!"

"Chongyun notices everything too. He's the one who told me a lot of details about you!"

"He... notices everything about... me? Plain old me?"

"Because he loves you! I know he does!"

"There is no way!"

"Well, you should ask Xinyan. You know how close those two are!"

"Uhm, you sure...? I feel like Xinyan wouldn't like me if I told her that I liked Chongyun..."

"You are oblivious. She wants you guys to date! Like as soon as possible! That's why she keeps him company in your place. Well, and that they're friends but you get what I mean! Right?"

"Well, I would assume that they're friends!"

"You know what, I'll make you a deal."

"State your case."

"You ask Chongyun out before or at the Lantern festival and I'll ask my crush out."

"Who's your crush?"

"You'll see."

"Not fair."

"It is too! I guessed your crush; you didn't exactly tell me."

"Ugh, that is fair."

"Hehehe exactly."

I crossed my arms. I can't wait to find out who her crush is, but it might take a while. I wonder if it's Yanfei. Or maybe Hu Tao? If she says any type of food, I will sob. I love Xiangling because she's so passionate about what she does. But the thing is. She's a little TOO passionate.

"You wanna go meet up with Chongyun and Xinyan? I heard Xinyan was going to go play pirates with the kids at the harbor and if she got a hold of Chongyun, then he's most likely going with."

"Okay, lead the way." 

(Omg this is unbelieveable. This is taking forever to put down ;w;) 

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