Chapter 3: One silly game of pirates (Chongyun's point of view)

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Xinyan, Hu Tao, Chao Chao, little Meng, little Lulu, little Fei, and I were playing pirates. I was the captains' right-hand man. Chao Chao was the captain. Little Meng, Lulu and Fei were our eyes in the sky and down below deck. Xinyan was our map captain and Hu Tao was our superior wave rider and analyzer. We were having so much fun! We were throwing soft apples and lotus heads at each other as cannon balls. Then we had two sailors from afar board our ship from the depths of the sea.

"What are you guys up to?" Xiangling climbed aboard with Xingqiu right behind.

"Xiangling!!" Little Meng, Lulu and Fei said together.

"Pirates again?"

"Yep!" Little Lulu sang.

"You guys enjoying Chongyun joining you guys this time?" Xingqiu smirked behind Xiangling's preppy voice.


"He's the best assistant captain we've ever had! Isn't that right, Chao Chao?" said Little Fei.

Chao Chao nodded his head slowly. He smiled the biggest smile when he saw me making a face at him.

"Well, you guys don't mind if we head off right?" Xingqiu smiled sweetly at the kids, "I would love to join but I need to take you grown-ups because I have a little... dilemma to take care of. Yes? And Chongyun really should rest. He just got back from a LONG trip."

"Can you tell us about it when you play next time Chong Chong?" Little Meng whispered.

"Of course, I would love to tell you guys about all the cool stuff I got to see, I believe I also brought stuff back for you guys!"

"YAY! Bye Chong Chong! We can't wait to hear your story!" They sang.

"Of course, kids. Okay guys, let's go." Xinyan rolled over and got up.

I slowly got up and stretched. Xinyan, Hu Tao and Xiangling were already off the boat. They were helping the kids get down the ladder safely while Xingqiu made his way slowly towards me. He slowly lowered his book to put it against his thigh strap. He looked at me with his golden honey eyes.

"What are you looking at YunYun? Is there something on my face?"

"Uh! No! No! Sorry, just. I just realized that your eyes. They're a lot more orange than I remember."

"Oh really? I didn't notice. What color are they to you?"

"Maybe... a honey? As a safe guess."

"Hmm, I'll look later and see if I agree."

"You do that."

"Do you guys need help down too?" Hu Tao popped her head over the side of the boat.

"No, sorry. We're taking forever. Sorry." I gasped as I bolted my look away from Xingqiu.

I slowly walked over to Hu Tao. Xingqiu grabbed my wrist as Hu Tao disappeared underneath the side of the boat. I turned to look at Xingqiu looking at me right in the eyes.

"Is... something the matter Xingqiu?"

"I... I'm going to need help down... can you help me... please... I told Xiangling I shouldn't have walked up here but she insisted that I should walk up to see how the game was played... I hate boats... I hate heights..." He started to shiver and his grip around my wrist tightened.

"Woah, relax a bit. I promise to help you down. I got you! Follow me."

I walked to the edge of the boat. I slowly got down the ladder. Hu Tao, Xinyan and Xiangling finally stopped talking to the kids. They looked at me as I turned around to help Xingqiu. He looked terrified. I helped him down the first step.

"OH SHIT!" He slowly fell forwards and grabbed onto me.

He took a big grip of my hair and another big grip of my hood. I stumbled back a bit but kept my balance.

Xinyan lunged forward and put her hands out, "BE CAREFUL!"

I didn't fall back and Xinyan still had her hands out. Hu Tao gripped onto Xinyan's bag while Xiangling took a hold of Hu Tao's arm. Everyone stumbled. I slowly let Xingqiu down.

"Thank you." He whispered lightly.

"For what?"

"For... not letting go. And not dropping me... and not letting me fall..."

"Oh. Of course! Xinyan, are you okay? I didn't squish you right?"

"Nope! Just scared all of us, thought you would tumble back and smack your head on the wood. That wouldn't have been fun to explain to your mom. Or Aunt."

"Yeah, you're for sure right."

"Well, anyways," Hu Tao started as she brushed off her coat, "We should be off."

She turned to leave to go back towards the funeral parlor. Xiangling and Xinyan skipped after her. I started to walk with them, but Xingqiu took hold of my hand. I stood still for a bit. I was shocked that he just latched on to me. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sleepy YunYun. Do you think you could spend the night at my place?" He yawned.

"I have no idea Xing Xing... I must talk to my parents. And my brother might want me to stay overnight at the house."

"Mmh, well if you get a choice, will you stay at my place...?"

"Of course, Xing Xing. Anything to make sure you get sleep and to make sure you are safe and okay. And to just spend time, you know?"

"Mhm, I love spending time with you... You're always so calm... and you're funny when you tell me some story about your cousins."

"My cousins are crazy, I swear!" I laughed.

Xingqiu giggled and squeezed my arm a little tighter. He snuggled his head under my chin. His hair was soft.

"We should get going YunYun, we don't want to get left behind. Unless you want to take me somewhere."

He smirked lightly as he nuzzled his cheek against my shoulder. He rubbed his thumb on my left wrist as we walked up the steps together. His grip around his book almost slipped but I grabbed it just in time. I slowly lowered his book into the side pocket of my backpack.

"Come on slow pokes!" Xinyan yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Okay! Okay! We're going!" I yelled back.

And we continued walking. 

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