Chapter 11: Why be upset? (Chongyun's point of view)

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I cried when I saw her. I missed her so much. It was crazy how long it had been since I had last saw her. I ran to hug her, but she looked at me confused.

"Chongyun? What's wrong? Why is there water on your face?"

"I was just... crying?"

"But why? For that crush of yours? Does he not like you?"

"Yeah... He doesn't like me... I don't think so at least. And I don't think he's going to be staying in this house either. He's probably staying with Bennett."

"Bennett is a nice boy, but he can be bad luck. I find it fascinating."

"Yeah... you don't mind if I go to my room and relax there?"

"Of course, I will leave you alone to yourself if you want that."

"I would like that a bit... I need a break from reality you know?"

"Of course."

"See you later, Eula."

"Talk to you later, Chongyun. Go give yourself a break."

"I will!"

I walked up the stairs and turned to my left. I opened the door and plopped my bag down on the floor near my bed. I collapsed onto my bed. I locked the door to my room and cried lightly. I stayed in there for hours. Nobody came. I closed the window and blinds. I hid underneath the covers of the bed. I continued to cry and cry until I didn't have enough tears anymore to cry. Eula set food outside my door. I stayed there for days. I got to Mondstadt to spend time, but Eula could tell that I just needed a break. She would bring me breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with some water. I would open the door and hug her every time. She would make my popsicles for me, and she would just be sweet to me. Eula would sit in my room with me and comfort me.

"Do you need anything else?"

"No," I sniffled, "I am okay. Just... if Razor comes, please let him into my room."

"You say that every time I sit in here."

"Oh. Sorry."

"It's perfectly fine, I understand that you have been upset lately. I still can't believe that Xingqiu has the audacity to not check in on you."

"Yeah... I guess... Oh also, if Xinyan comes along then you can let her in if you don't mind!"

"Of course, I don't mind."

"Thank you."

"I am going to leave you alone now if you need anything just call. And if you want to, you can come downstairs. I am making cupcakes."

"You are literally the sweetest."

I sat there for a while. A few hours later, a knock came to my door. I opened it to see Razor standing there.

"I text you. You no respond. Your face red?"

"Yeah Razor... I've been here for the past few days. And I haven't been checking my phone because why would anyone text me?"

"Bennett, Fischl, Xinyan and I text you. You no respond. Not even read. We ask if you want to go to festival in Mondstadt?"

"No thanks Razor, go enjoy your time with the others..."

"But... Festival not same without YunYun...?"

"I'm sorry Razor... I just can't bare to look at Xingqiu... I can't even look at Bennett... Or Xinyan..."

"Can you bare to look at Fischl...? You bare to look at me."

"I don't talk to Fischl. Also, Fischl has my number?"

"Yes, it is fine. Maybe check phone more often?"

"Will do."

"I need to get going, we go to festival."

"Oh okay, please, if Eula finished the cupcakes, can you take a few? Tell her it's my request."

"Okay. I will. I go get cupcakes for friends. Bye Chongyun!"

"Bye Razor..."

He then left and closed the door behind him. I backed up to sit on the bed. I pulled out my phone. My screen lit up. I saw 3 missed messages from Bennett, 1 from Fischl, 7 from Razor, and 5 from Xinyan. I pressed read all. I read all their messages. They were asking how I was and if I was okay and if I wanted to go to the festival. Then I saw there were 13 missed messages and 3 missed calls from Xingqiu. He texted me... I read them all. He said he was worried and wanted to know how I was doing currently. He asked about the festival. And then he asked where I was. He was telling me to answer the call and he sounded like he was concerned about my health.

I decided to text him that I've been at Eula's house. He texted me back immediately.

Chongyun- I'm so sorry. I have been at Eula's house for a bit. I just really needed a break, you know?

Xingqiu- Yes but please warn me next time when you disappear and don't answer your phone for a while. You scared me.

Chongyun- I said I was sorry.

Xingqiu- Did I do something wrong? Did I upset you? Was it me?

Chongyun- You did nothing. You just haven't been talking to me. I thought you didn't want to be around me. So, I just left. I also wanted to talk with Eula for a bit.

Xingqiu- You know, the reason I am not talking to you that much is because you left my house and didn't even give me a reason or a warning on why.

Chongyun- Because I was upset.

Xingqiu- What could you POSSIBLY be upset about?

Chongyun- Why does it matter? You're mad at me anyways so whatever.

Xingqiu- I am not mad at you.

Chongyun- Then why are you yelling at me through text????

Xingqiu- I. Am. Not.

Chongyun- Whatever. I'm sorry for whatever I did. I'm going.

Xingqiu- What the fuck.

I stopped talking to him. He's mad at me obviously but he just won't say it. I started to tear up. I can't believe that he texts me and doesn't even care about how I feel. Like. That's so fucking rude. I heard my phone ring, so I picked it back up to see Xingqiu calling. I thought I should pick it up, so I did.

"Chongyun." I heard his voice over the call.


"I'm sorry about me being rude. I'm just upset. And I'm really sorry."

"It doesn't matter. I can't change the past to make you happy."


"No. At this point, I don't make you happy ever do I?"


"I really care about you. And I mean really."

"Chongyun.... please..."

"And if it bothers you that I talk to you. That I love you. Then I'll stop."


I hung up. I said I loved him. I confessed. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I knew he didn't love me back so I just... I wanted it off my shoulders. I couldn't handle anything... I laid down and fell asleep in tears.  

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