Chapter 9: One closed door (Xinyan's point of view)

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I walked out of Xingqiu's house with Chongyun's backpack and shoes. I was hopping and jumping to push my shoe over my heel. Xingqiu's mom gave me a piece of toast for breakfast, so I had toast in my mouth. I was walking to Chongyun's house which was outside of Liyue harbor. I walked to the nearby forest where Chongyun's house was. I walked up to the door and knocked lightly. His little brother answered the door.

"Oh, hi Xinyan! Are you here for Chongyun?"

"Yes, I am! Do you think I could see him?"

"Uhm... you'd have to ask my momma..."

"Oh okay."

"Can I come in?"


I walked inside and said hello to Chongyun's father. His father smiled and waved. He then went back to his call. I walked into the kitchen to find his mother and Shenhe talking. It was nice to see Shenhe again.


"Oh! Xinyan... uhm... hi?"

"Do you think I can see Chongyun?"

"I'm so sorry... but Yunnie said he didn't want to see anyone... he was really upset earlier when he got home..."

"Oh... do you know what it was about?"

"No, I don't. He didn't want to tell me. He kind of just broke down crying in his room."

"Oh... I'm so sorry about that. I have no idea what happened. Xingqiu, Hu Tao and I were called away from the room by Xingqiu's mother, so we had no idea what happened."

"Was there anyone in that room with him?"

"Yeah, it was Xiangling but she didn't say anything rude to him. She was working on the puzzle Hu Tao, and I started."

"Hmm... maybe you can talk with him... come with me, I'll go ask him..."

"Okay! I also have his bag and shoes that he left behind when he left the window. Well, we think he left through the window?"

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore. If he didn't hurt himself exiting that window or destroyed anything of the Xingqiu house possession."

We walked up the stairs together. I was still clinging onto his backpack and shoes. His mother patted Chao Chao's head as she passed him. He smiled and slid down the stairs. Chongyun's mother knocked upon his door. I heard the tapping of feet coming closer to the door. Chongyun opened the door and his blue eyes and hair popped out from behind.

"Yes mom...?"

"Uhm, Xinyan is here and has your stuff." She glanced at me.

"She's okay to come in my room if she's still here or next to you." He took a glance around behind his mom.

"Here Xinyan, go on in."

"Okay, thank you so much miss."

"My pleasure."

She stepped out of the way while I walked on into his room. He moved aside and I walked in slowly. I lowered his backpack by his door, and I dropped his socks in his clothes bin. I slid his shoes into his shoe rack.

"So... Xinyan... You came to talk didn't you...?"

"How'd you guess?"

"Because of the way you're moving... and you'd drop my shoes instead of putting them in my shoe rack..."

"You know me so well, don't you?"

"Yeah of course I do." He laughed calmly and slowly.

"Hmm... how are you feeling?"

"What? It's not obvious?"

"I know you're upset but please tell me what made you so upset to run away from Xingqiu's house?"

"I just... Xingqiu doesn't love me, does he? He's dating Xiangling isn't he?"

"Woah! Woah! Relax. And No. Xiangling and Xingqiu are not dating. They never even suggested it. How did you even get that idea?"

"Because Xiangling sighed at me, I asked and she said, 'You and Xingqiu.' I asked her if she was upset, and she said no but that doesn't prove that she's not upset. She could be lying you know? I just..."

"Chongyun. Relax. First off, Xingqiu is demiromantic. And even if he was dating Xiangling, he would tell you, wouldn't he?"

"Yeah, unless he didn't want me to know. Or he hates me..."

"Oh, my lord Chongyun. And Second off Xiangling is lesbian."


"Xiangling. Is. A. Lesbian."

"So... I'm overreacting?"

"No, you had every right to react that way. You didn't know and you assumed something that you thought was true. I don't blame you for thinking that way."

"Now Xingqiu hates me for leaving without a word. He probably thinks I'm delirious and stupid."

"Oh Archon. YunYun, Love. You are delirious all the time."

"Oh, shush Xinyan."

I scoffed at him while he walked over to his backpack. He started to unpack. He grabbed out his charger and plugged his phone in. I sat on his bed. He sighed and looked at me.

"You know Chongyun. You should really look around your surroundings more."

He immediately perked up, "What? Are there evil spirits around?"

"Oh, my Archon, no! Just. It's like what Xiangling said to you, but you took it the wrong way, YunYun."

"Then what did she mean?"

"I can't tell you..."

"Why the fuck not." He glared at me.

"Because that's Xingqiu's job."

He looked confused at me. He just shrugged and turned back to unpack his backpack. He sighed while he pulled out a picture of him and Xingqiu. He really loved him. I grinned lightly at him even though he wasn't looking at me.

"Oh uhm... Also, Xinyan?"

"Hmm? Yes?"

"I'm leaving in 3 days for Mondstadt, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

"Oh! Of course, I would love to go! But where would we stay?"

"At my cousin's place of course. I already asked Eula and she said it was fine. I did tell her that we would be out of the house often though."

"Eula is so sweet."

"Yes, she is."

He smiled and laughed at a picture of him and me. I had soda coming out of my nose and he had cake in his eyes and hair. That was my 14th birthday. That was a while ago. That was the best birthday I ever had and will ever have. Chongyun was just the sweetest on that day. He's the one who got my bag that I always carry. I can't wait for this trip! 

-You're welcome for the longer chapter. ~Skye_Zirra

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