Chapter 7: Take it and leave (Chongyun's point of view)

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I left as quickly as possible. I ran home in tears. I flung open the door and ran inside, slamming the door behind me. I ran up the stairs and tripped a few times. I ran right past Chao Chao into my room. I threw myself onto my bed without hesitation and cried. I knew I would mess everything up in my relationship. I cried and cried.

My mom knocked upon my door, "Yunnie? Are you okay my love...? I saw you run home with nothing in your hands. Not even any shoes..."

I sobbed and walked to my door and opened it. I looked my mom in the eyes and just hugged her. She hugs me tight. I collapsed into her. She kissed my forehead. She held onto me for a couple of hours. She rocked me back and forth.

She let go and looked at me, "Are you okay, Yunnie?"

"Yes mom... Just... can I stay home... in my room... alone..."

"So, if any friend comes over, you want me to tell them that you're not up for it?"

"Just... can you tell them that I went on a trip... I want to stay here for a while then I want to go to Mondstadt... I need to talk to Razor..."

"Okay Yunnie. Anything to make sure you feel better."

"Thank you so much mom." I hugged her tightly.

"Of course, you are my child after all."

I smiled and she smiled back. She exited my room and closed the door behind her. I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I am so happy I didn't forget my phone. I texted Razor my plans. 

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