Chapter 5: Unexpected call from the four winds (Xingqiu's point of view)

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I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see Bennett calling me. He normally calls unexpectedly when an emergency has happened or when he went on a new adventure, which doesn't happen a lot. Chongyun gave me a look of concern. I looked over to Xiangling and Xinyan. Hu Tao looked out of it. Xiangling was too busy talking to Hu Tao. Xinyan gave me a glance. Xinyan then turned her head to go back to talking to the others.

"It's Bennett." I whispered to Chongyun, "He doesn't seem to be talking yet."

Chongyun just nodded his head and picked up his tea again. He sipped it lightly. Then I heard a scream on the other end of the phone.


"What is it, Bennett?"

"So, you know my problem with me liking Razor and Fischl right?"

"Yes, of course?"

"I finally... I finally got the courage to tell them that. AND YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAID???"

"What did they say?" I sipped my water.

"Fischl suggested a poly relationship! And I thought that was an amazing idea! Razor said that he liked me and Fischl the same and thought that being in a relationship with the both of us was a good idea."

"He knew what poly meant?"

"Yeah! Because I told him once before that I was poly and explained it to him."

"That's amazing. I'm proud of you Bennett."

"Thank you! I just wanted to tell you the news! Also, when did you say you were planning to come over to Mondstadt?"

"Hmm, maybe in a month or so? When do you want me over there?"

"Whenever you feel like it! I would love you to see the lantern festival over here though!"

"I bet it's amazing Bennett. Since you guys do live in the land of the wind."

"Yes, we do!"

"Wait, so if Fischl said that she suggests a poly relationship. And Razor said it was a good idea. Does that mean you three are dating now?"

Chongyun gave me a look. Even Xiangling turned her head a bit to give me a curious eye. Chongyun just shook his head but still looked confused.

"Uhm, I don't know just yet. I think we're going to figure that out soon. Like, talk about it you know?"

"Yes. It is sweet that you guys are talking about becoming a poly relationship. I always thought you three were so cute together."

"Thank you Xingqiu. I need to go to bed now. I need to get up early to help Barbara at the church."

"Hmm, okay. Bye Bennett."

"Bye Xingqiu! Thanks for letting me get that off my chest."

"Of course, Bennett. That's what friends are for."

Bennett then laughed and hung up the call. I lowered the phone away from my ear. I slid the phone into my bedside drawer. I then picked back up my water. Chongyun poked me in the shoulder.

"Hmm? Yes YunYun?"

"What about Bennett, Fischl and Razor being a poly relationship?"

"Oh, Bennett was excited that they were talking about becoming a poly relationship. I think it's cute."

"Yeah! I think that's amazing for them."

He then smiled. I laid my head against his arm. He ruffled my hair causing my hair to become filthy and unkept. I started to fix it, but he kept messing it up.

"Hey guys, should we start to go to bed?" Hu Tao suggested.

"Yeah, I'm beat." Xinyan yawned.

"Already on it." Xiangling said laying on Guoba.

"Pfft, you know that we all can fit on my bed. It's big enough." I scoffed.

They all glanced at each other and piled onto the bed. Chongyun was already in his normal spot for when he comes over. Xinyan laid next to Chongyun, then Xiangling and Hu Tao laid next to her. So, it went Hu Tao on the left side of the bed, then Xiangling, Xinyan, Chongyun and then I would lay on the right side of the bed. Hu Tao was lucky because she got the window.

I slid under the blanket next to Chongyun. We were a little squished on the bed, but everyone seemed fine since Xiangling and Hu Tao had already passed out. And Xinyan put headphones on to sleep. Chongyun wrapped his arms around me. He laid his chin on my hair.

"I'm sorry, this is easier to save space. If you don't like this, then I can move."

"No, you're perfectly fine YunYun."

"Well, I do get cold so... my body heat doesn't really work."

"Yun. You're an oven right now. Now go to bed."

"Okay, Okay. Goodnight Xingqiu."

"Goodnight YunYun."

He then kissed my hair lightly. He always used to do that when we were kids. It would help me sleep better. I think that's why I love him so much. He was always so caring about me. And others. He cared so much about people that those people would take it the wrong way. Or see him as vulnerable for taking his money. It honestly pisses me off. You don't even know how many people I have had to beat up just to get their money back. I hate seeing him so sad. I am the only one who can scam him. Not those stupid ass people. 

Now that I think about it, Chongyun never got his popsicles back. Meh, we'll ask Xiangling tomorrow when she's awake. He started to snore lightly which blew frigid air on my forehead. He was never the warmest person ever. but he was never the coldest either. He's the perfect temperature. And I love that. I hid my hands under the bottom of his shirt, holding my hands not against his stomach but wrapped up in his shirt. He flinched a bit but started to go back to snoring. I then fell asleep.

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