Chapter 7. A God's Rage

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Izuku picked up the small girl "hey it's ok" He then noticed how underweight she was, she was almost completely skin and bone, he could actually see some of her bones and it broke his heart seeing this.

Rumi walked over and gently rubbed Eri's head to comfort her "we should take her to the police station to see if someone is missing their child".

"Yeah I agre-" "that won't be necessary" said Izuku before someone else spoke.

Both Izuku and Rumi looked and saw a tall man with yellow eyes and short brown hair, he had a green jacket with purple fur around the neck and had a bird beak type mask.

"Sorry about my daughter, she can be clumsy and tends to be a trouble maker" said Overhaul in a sweet caring voice.

Izuku felt Eri grip onto him tighter and mumble something.

"What did you say?".

"He's not my dad..".

Izuku's blood ran cold as he looked back at Overhaul and cursed his luck since he didn't have Stormbreaker and he couldn't grab his phone without raising suspicion either.

"She seems pretty skinny for a little girl" said Izuku trying to buy time to think up something.

"She has a eating disorder" said Overhaul.

"And what about her injuries? They are covering her entire body?" Said Izuku as he opened his hand and called Stormbreaker "oh I'm so gonna get in trouble for this".

"She was hurt a while ago so we put some bandages on her to help her heal better" said Overhaul with annoyance in his voice.

Izuku and him stared at each other and the tension was rising to where you could cut it with a knife.

"I'm only going to tell you this once 'boy' give me back my daughter or else" said Overhaul.

"Well why don't we take her to the police station and if she is your daughter then you can have her back" said Izuku.

Overhaul sighed and removed his gloves "I didn't want to do this but it looks like I have no choice".

"NO!" Yelled Eri in fear.

"RUMI JUMP!!" Both Izuku and Rumi jumped backwards as the entire floor beneath them exploded in massive spikes that could have easily killed them.

Izuku landed on the ground and slammed his hand on the ground ripping a piece of the road out of the ground before he threw it at Overhaul.

"Pathetic" he placed his hands on the ground and more spikes came out and destroyed the rock.

"EVERYONE RUN IT'S A VILLAIN!!!" Yelled Izuku to all the bystanders. Everyone near them began screaming and running away while some stayed and called the police or recorded this.

Rumi jumped onto a building and launched towards Overhaul to try and kick him and she was about to but then her instincts screamed at her to dodge. She quickly gave a powerful kick to the air that sent her to the side and she was glad she did since a massive spike appeared where she once was.

"Listen I need you to find a place to hide ok" said Izuku to Eri but the girl just shook her head and held on tighter to him.

"SHIT!!" screamed Rumi as a spike grazed her arm but she quickly kicked off it and landed on the side of the building glaring at Overhaul's yellow eyes.

"You heroes are a disease and I'm going to make sure neither of you leave this place alive" said Overhaul.

Izuku knew Rumi was gonna need help with this fight since unless you were both faster and stronger than this man you wouldn't win.

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