Chapter 9. Saving Eri From The Hero Association

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It's been a week since Izuku left UA and has started to live in the woods, it was lonely for him but he had to push through with this until Nezu was able to prove that he was innocent regardless of almost killing someone and the property damage he did in his fight.

Izuku threw Mjolnir at a tree before he swung his body to swing his axe with greater speed and destroyed part of a mountain, he then called back Mjolnir and grabbed it in a reverse grip slamming it into the ground creating a massive electrical explosion.

He then turned and walked towards the little hideout he made which was nothing but a small wooden shelter that simply keeps the sun or rain off of him.

"Mom.. Rumi.. I hope we can meet again soon" said Izuku as he stared at the fire before him.

Izuku then saw Stormbreaker hum as if it was trying to comfort him "haha.. thanks".

He then heard his phone go off and looked at it and saw that it was a news update.

It showed the hero association president standing Infront of the camera with a completely emotionless face "hello citizens of Japan, it brings me sad news that the grandson of Thor is a villain. He attacked an innocent man and caused severe property damage totalling up to 4,186,785,000 yen, he then attacked two officers. He is extremely dangerous and if you see him you should immediately call for the heroes to deal with him, that is all".

Izuku slammed his fist into the ground in anger, he couldn't believe that the hero association is doing this, they are trying to make the public hate him so even if by some miracle it's revealed he's innocent it won't matter.

"Overhaul innocent!" Lightening started to arc around him and the clouds above him got darker as a storm started to brew given his anger "that bastard hurt an innocent little girl!!".

He took a couple of deep breaths to calm his anger down before he looked back at his phone at the cover photo showing Rumi when he took her flying the first time. She had a massive smile on her face with a noticable blush on her face and her right ear was bent slightly which made her look even more adorable.

"I'm sorry I can't be with you Rumi.. I hope we can see each other soon" said Izuku as he stood up and put his phone away.

The storm clouds above him started to rain and the storm intensified and Izuku decided to use this to his full advantage "Mjolnir, Stormbreaker".

Both weapons slammed into his hands as lightening shot down covering them both in an intense lightening field "let's keep training until I'm at my grandpa's strength".


At UA Rumi was looking at her new prosthetics with a slight smile seeing that they'd allow her to be back at full strength, next to her was a sleeping Eri.

She reached down and gently rubbed Eri's head before she looked back up and sighed, school just wasn't the same with Izuku being gone plus Eri has been asking about the hero that saved her.

Eri has become extremely clingy with her and refused to eat or drink unless she was in the room with her to make her feel safe and that Overhaul wouldn't punish her just for the fun of it.

Rumi let out a small sigh before the door was busted down showing a bunch of Hero Association agents and Sir Nighteye.

"Bring that little girl, she's the one that has a powerful quirk that can help change the world and save All Might" said Sir Nighteye.

The agents nodded and walked towards her and Rumi immediately stood up.

"Hey she's under UA's protection you stingy fucks!" Yelled Rumi glaring at them.

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