Role's to play

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Hey, here's a sequel from my first book "don't you forget me" I just love making stories about Beck and Jade hopefully, if you like the first book you would continue to read this one. Please don't forget to vote at the end if you like this chapter thanks.

Now begins with the story.

The gang was hanging out inside their classroom chatting about their upcoming play.

They were all sitting on their chair round at each other, Ander was sitting next to Tori while strumming his guitar and she hummed a long while Robbie played with Rex's foot. Beck sated on Andre's left side and Jade was sitting next to him with her legs placed on his lap she was playing with a green squish ball while he was massaging her leg. Cat was using her phone while she sat in the middle of Jade and Robbie.

T: So...

J: So what?!

T: Aren't you guys auditioning for Sikowitz's new play?

R: Oh yeah I heard about that...Um ( he gestures his hand while trying to recall the title of the play)

B: Love by the moonlight?

R: That's the one!

C: I heard it's a romantic play

T: Yeah, so I was thinking of auditioning for the lead.

A: I don't know Tori...

B: Maybe you should sit this one out.

T: Why what's wrong? don't you guys think I'd be perfect for it? ( Jade smirked at the Latin girl while playing with the ball)

A: Well...

B: It's not that we think you won't be perfect...

C: It's just that...

R: Sikowitz already picked someone else to play the part.

T: Aw Really? who?

Just when they were about to tell her Jade charmed in.

J: Me.

T: Oh... you got the lead?

J: Got a problem with that vega?

T: No, I guess I was just shocked...

J: Why? cuz you think you would get the lead like you always do? well surprise surprise, you're not the only student here who can act, Tori.

T: I didn't say that Jade.

J: No but you implied it.

B: O...kay, maybe we should change the topic here.

A: Yeah I think that's for the best... so uhh Beck I was meaning to tell you something...

B: Yeah? what is it, dude?

A: Well since you guys already knew that Jade's playing the lead I kinda feel the need to tell you who's gonna be her leading man...

B: Oh yeah speaking of, Hey babe I was planning to audition so that we could be partners in the play sounds good to you?

J: Yeah, sounds good. since I'm playing a character in a romantic play might as well have a leading man who I like.

B: Like or Love? (he playfully pressed hard on her thighs making her eyes widen, thankfully their friends didn't notice it) 

J: Tks! stop it. ( she says while throwing the small ball at him, making him chuckled as he used his arm to shield his face)

A: Uh sorry to be the one to separate you two love birds but I kinda got the lead part.

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