and then there was darkness::10

55 4 0

Fourth in a DAY?! Yes! True! C'est Vrai!!


"Mom?" I say nervously, wringing my hands in front of me as I peak into her office.

"Yes, darling?" She sings pleasantly.

I step in and shut the door firmly behind me. "They found out, mom. Penny told them my secret and now they know..." I say in a quiet voice.

After Jason had left, Myah had insisted buying me a coffee and nachos as replacement for what I'd ran out on. We walked backi to the cafe and while she ordered, leaving me in a booth, I snuck away.

I couldn't stay around her any more. She was asking me questions that I couldn't answer.

When will it go? What is the next to go? Are you scared?

Hundreds, so I just waited til her back was turned and bolted for the second time today.

Her eyes widen at me, "what did you tell them?"

I shake my head and sit in the brown leather chair beside a bookcase. "I told them nothing." I say innocently.

"Okay. Well, we'll have to tell your father when he gets home. Don't worry, I'll be there with you, Lauren." She says soothingly.

I feel slightly comforted by this. "I'm going to shower, okay?" I say, standing and pushing out of the office.

I march across the landing and into my room, firmly shutting the door behind me.

I let out a heavy sigh and get my stuff together for a shower.

Once I'm done, I run my brush through the length of my hair and braid it.

Slipping on some uggboots, I stomp noisily down the stairs, flicking the light of the kitchen on. I make myself a sweet tea and sit at the counter, sipping it as I indulge in bittersweet memories.

The look on Jason's face, the pity and the hurt. The distant, unsure and confused expression. The muscle in his jaw tight. One if his brown brows slightly raised and his hair tousled gently by the wind.

I wished I could've told him sooner, at the lake before Penny interrupted...

I sigh.

I should go there, to the lake...

Maybe Jason will be there...

Maybe he'll forgive me for not telling him. Maybe he'll kiss me and hug me, tell me that it's okay and I shouldn't be scared...

Maybe I'll believe him.

"Mom!" I say in surprise as I'm snapped from my thoughts. She turns to look at me like I'm crazy.

"Yeaaahhh?" She says slowly, a brow quirked.

I exhale loudly. "I didn't see you there, I was kind off with the fairies..." I explain, lifting my white mug of sweet tea to my lips. I sip slowly and watch as she turns the coffee maker on.

"Dads going to be home late tonight..." She says with a sigh, pouring a coffee with the last of the black liquid in the jug. "You might as well head up to bed, sweetie. I'll only be in my office all night."

I hesitate but look down into my almost empty mug, "actually mom, I was wondering if you could take me somewhere? You know, since I'm not allowed to drive..."

She hesitates, turning in her feet to look strangely at me. "Would this have anything to do with the dreamy look you had on your face when I came in?"

Blush spreads across my cheeks and I grin, "um, kind of... I just want to know if I'm right about something, really..."

She shrugs, "sure. You'd be bringing some excitement to my night..." She says, looking down at her dressing gown, "I don't have to get out, do I?"

I shake my head quickly, "as much as I love you, it would probably be better if you weren't there if this goes down like I want it to."

She smiles at me and then her eyes sink to my body. "What about your pyjamas?"

I look down at my grey cotton Bonds pyjama pants and singlet shrugging. "I don't have time to change... Besides, my uggys are comfy."

Mom laughs softly and I admit to myself it's a lovely sound. I haven't heard her laugh in months...

She snatches up the keys after pouring her coffee into a travel mug, "lets boogie!"

I laugh and shake my head. "Please, never say that again." I laugh and she smacks my butt as I open the front door.

In the car, I nervously direct mom toward the lake.

What feels like mere seconds of valuable preparation and in-my-head rehearsals but is actually like fifteen minutes, mom parks in the same bay that Jason had parked in the first time I came here.

"Here honey, take my phone. If you run into any trouble, call the car phone, alright?"

I take her shiny white iPhone and tuck it into my uggboot. "Okay."

Shutting the car door, I look around the empty car park. There's no other cars here, but if Jason is here, he could've parked elsewhere...

I hold to that hope as I climb the slight slope that leads down to the beach. Nothing...

My eyes trail to the hill with the better view and inhale deeply, hopefully.

I begin the climb, my hands twisting and wringing in front of me again. 'Please be here....'

As I reach the top of the hill, what I come across is exactly what I expected....



Until next time...

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and then there was darkness.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя