and then there was darkness::17

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[[Jasons POV]]

As I wander back from the cafeteria, the sound of wheels on the hard floors, people crying and even fast and heavy footsteps fill my ears.

I sigh, just glad I have Lauren's sight a little longer.

With the two coffees in my hands, the brown paper cups growing ever warmer in my fingers, I quicken my stride.

If I'm not fast, they'll become to hot and I'll drop them...

"...her back!" I hear Dr Meltons hurried voice say, followed by the sound of water splattering on the ground.

I furrow my brows as fear whips my stomach and I skip into a jog around the corner and through the door.

I come across Lauren, unconscious and still somehow vomiting as she almost falls off of the bed. Dr Melton manages to catch her hand and Emma, the assistant, catches her from the back.

I place the paper cups down quickly and hurry to help Emma, her scrawny arms having trouble holding Lauren up.

"Geez! What happened?" Vomit covers the bed, Dr Meltons jacket and Lauren's entire outfit as she splutters in her unconscious state.

"She didn't take the news well." Dr Melton mumbles distractedly.

"What news?" I say flatly, that fear growing up again.

"I informed Miss Grey that she has little over, possibly less, than ten weeks." He says with a frustrated sigh.

I collapse back into the chair beside the bed with a slack jaw.

Ten weeks? Ten?

So little time?

"What's going on?" Lauren's Moms voice fills the room, worry obvious in her tone.

My eyes stay trained on Lauren, though I don't really see anything.

A raw, white noise fills my ears and the smell of Lauren's vomit grows ever stronger in my nose.


The sounds of voices in the background grows fuzzier.

It's not fair... Just ten measly weeks?

It's not long enough for Lauren to see all of those beautiful things the world has to offer...

I exhale loudly and stand, huffing as I march from the room.

If Lauren can't see them, then I'll explain them.

I'd do that for her.

I'd do anything for her.

[[Laurens POV]]

Waking up surrounded by my mom, dad, Dr Melton and Emma, I immediately notice Jason's absence. After that realisation dawns on me, the next thing I notice is I'm no longer in my own clothing.

A clingy, blue hospital gown covers me.

"Eww, mom, why am I wearing this?" I whine, pulling at it distastefully.

"You were sick on all of your other clothing, love." Mom explains with a sympathetic smile.

It hits me like a ton of bricks.

Oh yeah... Thats right.

A sob escapes my lips and I bury my head in my hands. "Ten weeks..." I wail, feeling despair itch through me.

Life is so unfair!

"Honey, calm down, we're going to take you home tonight, okay?" Dad says, stepping forward to sooth his hand over my back.

"Will you come home, too daddy?" I sob out, looking up at him with probably puffy red eyes.

He sighs, looking over his shoulder at mom. "No, darling, I wont be coming home tonight. Im sorry, love." He says with a half-smile.

I sob louder. It really isnt fair...

"Please, daddy, please come home tonight..." I whisper through my tears.

I grab a fistful of dads jacket and pull him into my arms, hugging him over the edge of the bed. I dont even want to let him go.

On the off chance that dad makes a run for it, I smash my face into his chest and sob.

I hate my mom! I bet she's not letting him come home tonight!

"Im sorry, baby girl." Dad keeps saying, hugging me back.


Sorry guys, I know its not much. More of a filler chapter. And not much Jason!

Until next time...

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