and then there was darkness ::22::

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Back again with another update! Really need some kind of sign that more people are reading so I've decided that to help me, and you guys, I will be putting the name of the person and their main story whom is first to comment on this chapter with some constructive criticism into my next chapter as advertisement!

So get commenting, ladies and gents!

Anyway, on with the story!


I sit by my car in the garage. The garage door is wide open and I glance over at where dad's car used to park.

I wonder when he'll come home. If he'll come home.

Mums gone to town to do her shopping, again. I run my hand slowly down the dusty side of my crippled car and think about the night I crashed it.

It could've been so much worse. Part of me wishes it was...

"Andy?" The voice startles me onto my feet as she little metal bucket clatters loudly onto it's side noisily in garage. The fact that someone's there doesn't shock me, but the owner of the voice...

"How did you know where I live?" I clamber out my throat tightening nervously.

"I rang your mom. She was quite surprised to hear from me, as you can imagine." Silvia's smooth voice is like acid to my ears. Last time we'd been this close to each other, she scratched my face and made it bleed, the seethed that she would have Matt to herself once I finally left.

Silvia was once my best friend. Until Matt.

"Probably because you assaulted me." I bite out, my hands nervously tugging at the bottom of my grey hoody.

She scoffs. "Look, I didn't come to fight." She starts off, leaning against the open doorway, "I came because Matt said you called him in tears. You know what he's like..."

I seethe silently; I knew it was a mistake to have called him.

Silvia tosses her long blonde locks over her shoulder, "he was too worried you'd get attached again and he didn't want to hurt you. He asked me to come to you because he knew I still care about you." She shrugs, "he's not wrong, Andy."

Before I can filter it, I scoff loudly. "You don't assault the people you care about. Especially when they're at their most vulnerable." I can hear the tears already in my weak voice.

"Andy, it was crazy, I know that now... I regret it, believe me, I do. I wanted to make sure my best friend was okay." For the first time in a long time, I can hear sincerity in her voice. "Please forgive me?"

She steps forward in her fancy pink trainers, black sweatpants and her black hooded sweatshirt.


We sit by the fire inside, still catching up when mom gets home.

"Ah, I see you found her." Moms voice sounds unsure as she addresses Silvia.

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