and then there was darkness::2

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Its early Wednesday morning when I wake, my eyes looking about the room. It's light for five in the morning. I groan and roll from my bed, setting myself in a pair of black skinny jeans and a cream coloured jacket, my strappy heels and some musical symbol earrings to accentuate.

I grab my black shoulder bag and head down the stairs. It's really early for me but this whole going blind thing is making my sleeping patterns go crazy...

I write a note saying I'm going to explore whilst I still can and stick it to the fridge where Mom and Dad will find it and head out to my little red beetle.

Starting up my car, I drive out of the drive and towards town.

I'd been into town many times for shopping with Mom and Dad but never on my own and I hadn't seen all the different shops.

Parking my car outside the local grocery store, I lock it and cross over to the café for some breakfast.

I'd kill for a latte.

Opening the door, the bell above it dings loudly.

A few people glance at me.

I take a seat at the counter, putting my bag at my feet. With a drawn out sigh, I glance around the café.

There's an elderly couple sharing a stack of pancakes, two young children slurping from milkshakes, a table of three teens, roughly the same ages as myself, laughing loudly, another couple looking frustrated. The atmosphere is warm and fun.

I look back as an old women chewing gum stands before me, "what'll it be, kid?" She says her voice raspy.

I hesitate, "Just a double vanilla latte, please?" I say politely.

"Small, medium or large?"

"Medium, please?" I choose.

She nods. "Sure, kid, that'll be four dollars." She says, her hand outstretched toward me.

I place a five dollar note into her hand, "You can keep the change..." I say out of unwillingness to grab my bag and put it into my purse.

"What does this look like a charity case, kid?" She says rudely.

I furrow my brows, "Uh, no... I just, um, thought you might..." I'm cut off as someone else's voice speaks beside me.

"Come off it, Greta, she's new..." The pretty, curly haired blonde says beside me, her features exotic. She smiles down at me as the women saunters off. "Hi, I'm Penny."

I take her hand, shaking it. "Thanks for that... I didn't mean to insult her." I say, smiling thankfully at her.

She chuckles a soft laugh, "That's okay... Hey, why don't you come and sit with me and my friends?" She says, gesturing toward the booth where two boys sit, laughing at something.

I hesitate, "Oh, I don't know..." I say, my hand setting on my knee.

She frowns. "Please, come on, it'll be cool..." She says, her hand taking mine. She pulls me from the chair. I manage to quickly grab my bag before she pulls me to the booth. She pushes me into the seat before she too slips in.

"Guys, this is my new friend..." She says, capturing the attention of the two boys. They're both brunette's and they're both amazingly attractive.

They grin at me, "Hey, I'm Adam." The guy sitting across from Penny says, flashing a toothy grin.

"Hi Adam, I'm Lauren..." I say, smiling politely. My eyes turn to the other.

His stunning, piercing, bright blue eyes and perfect smile give me butterflies, "Hey, I'm Jason."

and then there was darkness.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora