and then there was darkness::18

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After I was finally allowed home, Mom let me spend the entire day in bed. I just slept.

Now, as I stumble down the stairs to get some dinner, I yawn widely.

I know I probably wont sleep well tonight, but I just couldnt be bothered with the world.

"Mom? What did you order? It smells fantastic..." I say through the rest of my yawn and stretch.

I can hear mom in the kitchen rattling away with the eating utensils.

As I round the corner and emerge in the kitchen, I'm pleasantly surprised to find Dad there aswell.

"Hey honey..." Dad says, smiling at me as he raises an arm. I step into his side and graciously accept his hug.

"What are you doing here?" I question, not at all complaining.

He chuckles, "Im having dinner... Do you mind if this old bean eats with you?" He says, rubbing his hand over my arm.

I shake my head vigorously. "No way! You can definitely stay!"

Mom does her hearty laugh and the sound is soothing.

"What did you order?" I turn to her and lean over the counter to see what she has.



I snatch up a small white box and open the lid to reveal a dish of Buttery Chicken.

Placing it back where I found it, I grab another box.

This one is my favourite! Fried Rice!

I snatch up a fork and grin at daddy. Chopsticks are for smart people. I slip onto the stool beside my dad and look across at mom.

Its been a while since we ate dinner together.

"I miss you guys..." I mumble at them.

We all share a look and although nobody speaks, a thousand different words are being said.

Its exactly how I remember the old days with my family.

I look away from the eyes of my mom and dad and dig my fork into the box of Fried Rice.

Forkfuls of goodness are devoured and I finish with a desert of Honey Chicken.

Dad glowers at me, "yuck, Lauren. Slow down!"

I look up at him with big innocent bug eyes. "Whaaarrrttt?" I whine with a full mouth.

Mom and dad groan and look away quickly, causing me to grin. Im so lady-like...

After dinner, Mom, Dad and I sit in the loungeroom and watch a DVD together.

Last time we did this I was in Primary School still.

Dad and I snuggle on the sofa and mom sprawls out on the throw-rug on the floor.

Half-way through the movie, I start to doze off again.

Dad shakes me awake later on in the evening as he lifts me off of him. "I've got to head off, love."

I groan, "Awh, but dad, wont you please stay?" I mumble groggily.

Dad sighs, "Sorry baby, but I cant. I've got to get back and feed the pooches." He explains and Mom helps me stand as I climb from the couch.

My eyes are sore and I find myself rubbing them.

My chest feels heavy and I search around in the dimly lit room for a clear path around the sofa to hug dad again.

"Its dark now, Lauren. Let your mother take you upstairs..." Dad says as he hugs me quickly once.

and then there was darkness.Where stories live. Discover now