and then there was darkness::12

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Hey guys! Another update, I know...

Incredible, right?


Anyway guys before I get into this chapter, I want to give a special recognition and dedication to Lydia161290.

If you haven't heard of her or read her stories, I strongly suggest you jump on over to her story 'His To Keep'.

Its magical, I swear. It's still a work in progress, I know, but it's really good. Quite gripping and unforgettable...

So read this, fan, comment and vote and then jump on over to her story and give that a vote, too! She's great and her writing is really excellent.

Okay okay, on with it!

Enjoy :)


"Lauren, come in." Dr Melton says smiling warmly. "Who is your friend?" he glances at Jason as we stand and follow him down the little hall.

I glance at Jason, too. "This is Jason. He just wanted to come and see what it's like, you know?"

"I actually have some questions for you, Dr." Jason says, drawing Dr Melton's attention as his hand lingers on the door knob.

"And you're fine with this, Lauren?" Dr Melton says carefully.

"Of course," I say, smiling back at Jason.

Dr Melton opens the office door and gestures us in. "Great, take a seat up on the table there, Lauren. Jason, you can sit at the desk, just don't touch anything."

I furrow a brow and smirk warningly at Jason as Dr Melton turns away. He chuckles quietly as Dr Melton turns back to me. "Alright, I'm going to look at your eyes with the Phoropter. Stay still now..."

I sit straighter as he positions the big machine.

"What does this machine do?" Jason asks, his voice slicing through the silence.

"Shh." Dr Melton says bluntly.

I'm a little taken back and by the quick 'oh' that leaves Jason's mouth and fills the room, I know he is, too.

After a few moments, Dr Melton pulls the machine from in front of my eyes and the light flicks off.

"Have you been keeping up with your Braille lessons?" His deep voice echoes about the room as he rolls on his rolling chair to take the clipboard off of a nearby cabinet.

I nod and fidget with my hands. "I have another lesson tomorrow. Has anything changed since my last visit?" I question in a quiet voice.

Dr Melton seems really angry today...

"Have you been crying, Lauren?" Dr Melton says sternly.

I hesitate but nod, "I'm sorry, doc, but I've had a rough couple of days..."

He shrugs. "Well, Lauren, I'm not the one going blind. The only person you should be apologizing to is yourself." his voice is blunt and a baffled expression covers my face.

"Excuse me, but that was a little out of line, don't you think?" Jason says, standing with furrowed brows.

Dr Melton sighs. "Well, let's be honest here, Lauren." He grunts, shaking his head as he glances between Jason and I. "I'm trying to help you out. I'm giving you tips to try and prolong this and you're directly going against them. I can't help you if you won't help yourself."

I sit, mouth agape, "hey, you can't speak to her like that!" Jason says forcefully. "Who do you think you are?"

The expression on Dr Melton's face is unreadable, "I'm sorry, Lauren. I'll book another appointment, one in which I hope you don't bring your friend over here." Dr Melton stands from his chair and opens the office door.

and then there was darkness.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang