and then there was darkness ::24::

15 1 0

Onto another chapter. I've been inspired, I think! I want to finish the book, you see..

So if anyone has any constructive criticism, now would be the ideal time to comment, comment, comment!

On with the story!


Another rainy day tarnished my plans to go back to the lake and capture it all for possibly the last time...

Jason told me he'd take me but he's been busy with his new part time job his dad insisted he got. Aparently, Jason had no right to the fortune his dad had made and that was clear.

He told me his dad shoved him from the dinner table and told him to get a job, instead of expecting him to pay for everything. What's worse, it was at a family dinner with Myah.

Jason said he was so embarrassed and I don't blame him. The one run in I had with Jason's dad was at Jason's birthday party, and he was not nice, to say the least.

I bit my tongue when Jason told me the news, though, thinking better than to share my experience.

Now, here I sit, on my couch watching the rain pelt down on the driveway and my dad's car. Exciting stuff, I know.

"Lauren," mom breaks me from my thoughts, "where's Jason today?" She asks as she collects a pile of DVDs from the coffee table to put away.

We'd had a movie night last night. Mom and dad cuddled up together on one end, and myself and a very large box of popcorn snuggled on the other.

An almost perfect evening, all that was missing was our surround sound system (lost in the packing and moving process), and Jason.

"He had to work..." I say sadly, huffing out a sigh.

"Jason?" Mom questions confused, "I didn't know he had a job."

"It's quite new. His dad made him get one..."

Mom raises a brow briefly, "oh." She sinks down to sit beside me. "You know, you resume Braille classes soon. Maybe you and Jason can work something out that he works when you have classes?" Mom suggests, ever the optimist.

I shrug, "depends if his boss will let him, I suppose." I flick a stray hair off of my sweatpants and frown. "It would be good, though. At least I wouldn't be constantly worrying if he is with someone else..."

Mom pauses in her movements, "are you worried he would be?"

I hesitate as I look at her. My internal battle fights on. I know I trust him and the things that he says, but it's other girls I don't trust. I mean, look at Jason... And his personality? He wouldn't even realise that a girl was trying to trick him into something until it was too late because he just wants to help everyone... I feel gutted at the thought of him with someone else. Someone like Penny...

A shiver rolls through me. "I don't trust Penny. If she sees him alone, I just know she'd try something. Just to get back at me."

Mom sighs now, "Lauren, I think you need to trust Jason's judgement. He knows Penny and what she's like, he wouldn't fall for it a second time." The way she says it makes it sound slightly clearer. For just a moment, I think maybe she's right...

Just a second, though.

"Yeah..." I mumble anyway, to change the subject. "How is it having dad home?" I question, glancing around quickly.

Mom smiles, "he's much better, Lauren. He's really come to terms with everything. He has even hired a decorator to redecorate the place, ready for when it happens. You know, to make it more accessible." She explains, smiling happily.

and then there was darkness.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang