and then there was darkness::6

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"Lauren?" I hear a familiar voice say, drawing my attention to the door.

The taller, dark haired man stands there, his head peeking in, "My name is Robbie. I was with you at the accident..."

I nod slowly, "Robbie, my hero..." I say with a small smile.

My eyes drift slowly up to Dr Melton as he reads my chart.

Robbie chuckles, "God, you look so familiar, it bugs me that I can't place it."

I smile simply, "I must say you don't look very familiar at all." I glance back at Dr Melton again as he puts the chart back on the end of the bed and heads for the door.

"I will check in again with you in an hour or so. Your parents will be here shortly also." He says, disappearing out the door.

I look back at Robbie. "Look, I really want to say thanks, Robbie. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably still be slumped in the front of my car, or even dead maybe..." I say, my mind momentarily thinking that it wouldn't really be that bad if that happened. I shrug off the thought as the door opens and in hurries Mom.

Robbie's eyes widen in horror and he looks at the wall.

Mom hugs me tightly, her voice saying soothing things into my hair.

I frown. "Mom, Im fine, look, not even a scratch..." I say smiling brightly, "Thanks to my friend, Rob..." I cut off short, my eyes staring at the spot Robbie had just stood in. Where had he gone? He was there two seconds before...

"Who, Lauren? There was no one there..." Mom says.

Dad shrugs behind her. "Only a doctor..."

It occurs to me now that the long white jacket my saviour had been wearing did resemble a doctors one.

"He must be a doctor here..." I mutter, shaking my head. "Never mind. I feel fine and that's what matters. Shall we go home now?" I add.

Mom looks back at Dad, "Will you check with her doctors?"

Dad nods, kissing me once on the forehead before he ducks out of the room.

"Have you seen my car, Mom?" I say fearfully.

She hesitates. "Yes..." She says with a sigh. "Its written off, Lauren. Your father and I think its for the best any case. What if you're driving in the future and your sight goes completely?" Mom explains.

I groan. "My car is my sanctum. This is so unfair..." I groan. "I only looked away for a moment to turn on the heaters..."

Mom's sympathetic smile makes me sick as she rubs my forearm. "It's alright. As soon as you're home, we're going to start learning the house without sight."

The prospect makes me angry. I don't want to spend days walking around with my eyes closed when I've got years of it ahead! I fold my arms across my chest. "If the doctors make me stay here, I'm going to go mentally insane."

Mom chuckles, "Oh love, you'll be fine. There are people who spend their entire lives in hospitals..." She says, standing from my bed. "Now, who was this Robbie guy you were talking about?"

My eyes move to Mom's. "How do you know his name?" If I recalled correctly, I'd only said Rob...?

She looks back at me, "What did this man look like?"

I narrow my eyes in confusion. "Tall?" She nods, encouraging me on. "Dark hair, sort of pointed nose, light green eyes..."

Mom inhales sharply. "Please do not talk to that man again, Lauren. It's very important that you don't."

and then there was darkness.Where stories live. Discover now