and then there was darkness::4

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It's late in the morning when I'm awoken by Mom's voice. "Wake up, Lauren. Your friend is here..."

I roll around on the bed dramatically, throwing my blankets to the floor at the end of my bed, "Ugh, it's hot already..." I groan, sitting.

My eyes land on Penny. "That was quite the scene there," She says, smirking at me. "Get dressed; we're going to Jason's birthday lunch."

I err, "I can't; I have plans..." I say, tiffing about as I climb from my bed and stumble toward my bathroom.

She appears at the door, "Really? And what would they be?" She says, narrowing her eyes.

I say the first thing to pop into my mind. "Gynaecologist appointment." I say, shrugging. I mentally slap myself repeatedly as I see the amused expression cover her face.

"Lauren..." She says with a small laugh, "Your mom already said you don't have anything on the agenda today. Although, your Dad seemed timid to let you leave the house..."

I scream long profanities in my head. "Damn..." I grumble.

"Why so hesitant to see Jason?" She says suspiciously. "Hmm?"

I roll my eyes as I turn away from her. "Nothing happened between us, Penny. Nothing." I say flatly, making the point as clear as day. For non-blind people...

She moves to sit on my bed. "Okay, okay... If you say so, then nothing happened." She says, widening her eyes briefly in annoyance. "What are you going to wear?"

I run the brush through my hair. "Who will be there?"

"Everyone. His Mom, his sister, Adam and I, you, even his Dad!" She says the last part like its so strange.

I narrow my eyes, "What's with the tone when you said his dad?"

She laughs a little, "Jason's Dad is never there for him or his sister. He's great to everyone else, but not them..." She explains, her hands reaching to get the picture from the nightstand. "Is this your sister?" She asks.

I remember when Jason had sounded so bitter towards his Dad last night. I'd been so unaware, but now I knew why...

I turn to look at the photo, "No, it's my cousin, Myah." I say, turning back to the mirror.

"Oh, cool, she has the same name as Jason's sister..."

"How old is she?" I ask, my eyes glancing at her once.

"She's twenty-two, I think?" She says with a shrug. "I don't really know; she doesn't like me much."

I turn to my closet, "Is that what you're wearing?" I ask, looking at her sceptically.

She nods, looking down at her clothing. "Yeah, why?"

I shake my head, "Just so I can get an idea of what to wear..."

She grins, "Taking tips from me is a good idea." She states, although I'm thinking the latter.

Opening the French doors to my closet, I step inside, flicking on the light. I instantly head to my jeans drawer, pulling out a pair of faded blue jeans with tears across the front every couple of centimetres. I find in the next drawer my purple top which is tight at the breast area and then flows at the bottom. Throwing a black blazer over the top and my purple heels to match the shirt, I move to stand before my full length mirror.

This outfit definitely beats Penny's barely visible outfit. She'd matched a tight black short skirt with a half-length blue corset top... It looked like something a prostitute would wear, just better quality, not pre owned clothing.

and then there was darkness.Where stories live. Discover now