and then there was darkness::20

26 3 0

Waking, stickiness and stiffness in my limbs. Its cool...

I feel drained.

I groan and slide from my bed, stumbling into the bathroom.

This is like a hangover!

I turn on the shower and wait for it to warm.

As steam fills the tiled bathroom, I strip out of the silky pyjama shorts and oversized sweater, pulling my hair from the tie.

I look up at my appearance in the mirror.

Pale skin, almost sickly, grey eyes, crazy hair untamable without showering and bags under my wide eyes.

"Ugh..." I groan at my appearance.

I look a disgusting mess.

I slip into the warm and waiting shower, letting the water sooth over my stiff muscles.

My body becomes more alert and awake as I stand with the jets of water on my back.

As I awaken more, I think about my plans for the day.

Jason and I are hanging out here... Watching movies...

I sigh and turn off the taps, wrapping a white fluffy bathrobe around my body and stepping out onto the tiles.

The steam on the mirror trickles down in droplets toward the basin as I wipe a hand over the glass and look at my new reflection.

I look better after the shower, even though my red hair clings wet to my shoulders and arms. I brush it away from my face with my hands and reach for a comb.

Running it through the lengths of my hair, I close my eyes and drift off a little to fairy land.

When Im done, I place the comb away and head into my closet to dress in some loose fitting jeans and a black singlet.

I tie my hair behind my head in a ponytail and sigh, slinking out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

The house is eerily silent...

"Mom?" I call out, waiting for a response. "Where is that woman?"

I start back up the stairs but the doorbell rings behind me.

I sigh and hop back down the steps and over to the door.

Swinging it wide, I reveal Jason. His brown hair is tousled as a soft drizzle comes down outside. "Hey Lauren..." His deep voice hums.

I smile, "hello." For some reason, it feels different. "Come in."

"Are you okay?" He asks, his hand slipping around my waist as I stand with a hand on the door. "You seem awkward."

I blush up at him; am I that easy to read? "I'm fine, just a little tired."

"Are you sure?" He narrows his eyes at me, " I mean, is that really all?"

I force a smile as he grabs my hand. "Yes, I'm fine." I lead him into the living room, "you can choose a movie, I just want to see if my moms home."

As I turned to walk away, Jason grabbed the back of my shirt, "she's not, I passed her on the way in." He says before pressing his soft lips to mine.

For a moment I'm startled, but soon I mould like putty against him, my arms snaking around his waist.

"You are so beautiful, Lauren." He mumbles against my lips, his hot breath fanning my face. Then he spins me, pushes me toward the couch and says, "sit. Let me put something on."

I do as he says, enjoying being spoilt a little. "What are you gunna put on?" I ask as he inserts a disc into the blu-ray player.

He winks at me, "you'll see, gorgeous." This causes me to giggle as he wanders around the couch, draws the curtains and then slinks down on he couch beside me. "Today's gunna be good."

I look over at him, "Why?" I question with curiosity.

"I get to spend it with you." He says with a grin, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close. "Is that a good enough reason?"

A blush spreads across my cheeks and I let myself hide in his chest, burying my face. I breath in deep, his intoxicating smell filling my nostrils and making my heart flutter.

I wrap an arm across his waist and he smiles down at me. "You'll like this movie." He states with a smirk, "I have no doubt."

I wait as the starting credits roll and then, to my surprise, Jason has chosen Dirty Dancing, my favourite.

Suddenly, my mood brightened and I looked up at Jason. "You're so sweet." I grin. He leans down to place a delicate kiss on my lips.


It's around four when mom gets home and I'm sitting at the bench, sipping cold water.

Jason and I had watched movies until about three when he'd gotten a call from Myah saying she was waiting for him to come home and help clean the garage.

Now, while mom carried the shopping into the kitchen, I watched with unease.

"Are you okay, Lauren? You look pale..." Mom comments, starting to unpack the salads into the fridge.

"Jason and I watched movies all day and now my head is absolutely pounding..." I mumble, afraid to speak to loudly around myself.

"Have you taken an aspirin?" Mum asks, pulling the medicine box from the pantry.

I very slowly shake my head, eyes closed and sip a small amount of the cold water. "Do you think that will make it to quicker?" I ask gravely.

Mom instantly knows what I mean. "I don't know, love. It's all out of my depths, I'm sure it won't, though."

I sigh and slip gently from the stool I sit at. "I'm going to go and have a rest. I have a murderous headache and all this movement is killing me."

Mom only smiles sympathetically at me as I wobble away. Up in my room, I crawl onto my bed slowly and rest my head on my cold pillows.

I stare at the edge of my bedside table and feel my chin quiver. I drag my legs up and tuck them up to my chest.

For the first time in a long time, and for God only knows what reason, I want to talk to Matt, my ex-boyfriend from Lucasville.

Slowly, I sneak my hand under the pillow and take my phone from where it'd been all day.

I scroll through my contacts and when Matt's name shows up on the screen, I hover my finger over the button.

Finally, with a slow deep breathe, I press the button and put my phone to my ear.

The dial tone sounds twice and then Matt is answering.



Until next time.

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