and then there was darkness::14

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Hey guys, I know I said only another four more, but it could be more, okay?

You'll just have to wait and see!

Anyway, I am dedicating this chapter to JadedRein. She is excellent and I feel like I've learnt so much from her!

You should give her stories a read, she has an great writing style and if you guys are anything like me and hate bad punctuation and grammar, you'll find solace in JadedRein's works of art!

Okay, on with the chapter!


"Mom?" I call out as I get home. "Mom? Are you home?"

"I'm in the living room, Lauren. Quit yelling..." She says in a soft voice.

I furrow my brows and glance back at Jason. She sounds like she's crying...

In the living room, Mom stands by the fireplace looking at pictures.

"Mom, are you crying?" I say as I get closer.

Jason stands in the doorway probably not wanting to intrude if she is crying.

"Oh baby, everything is changing now you're... You're..." She wails as she struggles to say it.

"Blind, mom, I'm going blind. It's okay, you can say it." I pull her into a hug and soothe my hand over her back. "But why are you really crying?"

She sobs and sniffles, "your dad and I have been fighting lately, Lauren. I didn't want to tell you because I know you would think its your fault, but I have no choice now..." Mom cries, holding me tightly as she shakes and shudders with each sob.

I furrow my brows, knowing what's coming already.

"Honey, your father and I are getting a divorce..." Mom wails, crying loudly in my ear.

I stand, staring blankly at the mantle piece covered in photos of our once happy family.

How can I not think this is my fault?

We WERE a happy family before I was diagnosed...

"Are you okay, Lauren?" Jason says carefully as he swims closer to me.

I nod slowly. I hadn't cried yet.

I mean, yeah I'm upset, Im devastated! But what can I do?

"I'm okay, I think..." I say as he wraps an arm around my waist.

"Are you sure? You look so distant..." He says softly as he rubs soothing circles into my lower back with his fingertips.

I just nod and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Hey, wanna go out tonight? We could catch a movie or some dinner....?" He says quietly.

I note the difference in his voice to James'. Jason doesn't sound enthusiastic, just gentle and not pushing.

I shrug, "maybe we could go to the lake?"

He nods, "yeah. We could do that..." He smiles and hugs me a little closer, "I'll go home and pack some food. We can have a picnic there..."

I find myself smiling as well, feeling a little excited at the prospect.

His arms retract from my waist and he places a kiss on my lips.

Before he can pull a quick escape, I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him still, my fingers twisting into his hair.

Our lips move in perfect sync and I feel like I've waited a lifetime for this.

and then there was darkness.Where stories live. Discover now